8/3 NOW: Upper Midwest

That storm just west of Omaha, that just popped up within
the last hour, a severe thunderstorm warning was issued
for Dodge County at 459 PM CDT, in neighbor Saunders
County at 520 pm CDT now has a tornado warning and
a tornado warning just issued for Dodge County at 543pm.

Storm formed along the warm front.
http://mgweather.com/OAX.SRMV1.gif Time:2235Z

According to MikeH, the merger of that storm west of Omaha and another smaller cell that was behind the southern end didn't help things and it now looks outflow dominant. Radar trends indicate it may be trying to reorganize and propogate along the boundary however.
Storm Spreading

Indeed there is a outflow boundary! NWS radar out of OMA is showing a nice trail of OFB streching from Columbus toward Wahoo and Fremont. Also the storm system is enlarging toward the north in Washington County in NE. Got word that Sarpy County in NE is under a SWW and that includes the city of Omaha.
We've had two tornado warnings so far in Wisconsin with the developing storms this afternoon, one in Grant County and another in Dodge County. Some pretty intense rain reported on the radio, 2 inche downpours. The Wisconsin Dells report streets flooded now with over 10 inches of water.

It was interesting to watch the lake breeze collide with the storms in the middle of the state. It looked like outflow heading due west, meeting the storms heading due east. Where they met, the storms grew in intensity.

Storms still developing west of Madison.
There was 2 tornadoes reported in Iowa today earlier:

-453 pm CDT 8 miles southwest of Hubbard in Hardin County, Iowa
A breif touchdown, it moved a camper

-455 pm CDT 6 miles south of Radcliffe in Hardin County, Iowa
Tornado touchdown. Outbuildings and house damaged. No injuries

I don't see a reports thread so I'll put my thoughts on this thread. Turned into a real wind chase in EC Nebraska. Our group spent the afternoon swleltering on the Osceola courthouse lawn in central Nebraska before towers started going up around 4:15. Were initially hesitant because the south tower closest to us appeared very soft. Decided though they were our pursuit and headed after them as they moved into Saunders county. Caught up to the them quickly enough and from our vantage point, saw one wall cloud under a sloppy meso. We felt tornadogenesis possible with the storm for less than 5 minutes. Never saw the storm recycle and as the two cells merged, it became a wind event quickly. Major wind damage occurred along the Platte River near Fremont. Large trees down, power lines down, a general mess. Urban flooding in Fremont after the storms moved through. It was never difficult for me to drive but at times near Mead, the car was being pulled. And for all of the action, it just seemed to be a horribly non-photogenetic day. The towers were soft. We wanted to head east during the only appearance of any wall cloud. The later squall line moving south had no shape. Even the sunset was somewhat dismal by Nebraska standards.

I was very bored so i went after the saunders county storm with hopes to get some structure pics or just use my camera. I left around 5:15 pm around the time the cell went torn warned. I stopped a few miles north of Ceresco and took some shots of what i believe is the inflow base of the newer southern storm just before the two cells merged. I could see the meso of the northern cell but did not want to burn that much of my roommates gas since he is on vacation.