6/4/05 TALK: Central Plains

Re: New Tornado Warning

Originally posted by Cindy Simons
Radar indicated tornado warning recently issued for a small cell that popped up in a county just southeast of Des Moines.

Where did that little devil come from?

Nice little minisupercell thats just recently formed. Quite intense, even with its small size.
Re: New Tornado Warning

Originally posted by APritchard
Nice little minisupercell thats just recently formed. Quite intense, even with its small size.

Looks like its twin is forming just to the east of that cell.
Hey guys, I left that huge HP monster just to the northwest to northeast of me to spot for my hometown of Velma later tonight as that's about the only thing you can do now. I can confirm tornadoes in North Stephens County and into Garven County before I left the storm. From what I hear there's some pretty significant damage in Marlow (as per local radio reports) and the Marlow Radio Station is just broadcasting static at this time. Hopefully those folks are alright. I'll try to get some pics up later....if I have a computer then :shock:
New tornado watch issued into Illinois. Someone stop me now...as I'm about to be an idiot, and go play with this stuff at nite. But SDS has gotten to me, and I really wanna get my hands on some lightning. And hey, a nighttime tornado wouldnt hurt. However, Im really only anticipating a bow echo of some sort at this point...which would also do quite nice.
Originally posted by APritchard
New tornado watch issued into Illinois. Someone stop me now...as I'm about to be an idiot, and go play with this stuff at nite. But SDS has gotten to me, and I really wanna get my hands on some lightning. And hey, a nighttime tornado wouldnt hurt. However, Im really only anticipating a bow echo of some sort at this point...which would also do quite nice.

I'd do it :lol:
Leavenworth and Wyandotte counties in KS and Platte county in Missouri (NW KC Metro) just went tornado warned--supposedly moving east at 20 mph. TV is saying it's radar indicated, no reports of anything actually spotted yet.

Down here in NW Olathe it's very humid and just a tad breezy, but no activity yet.
Just a reminder...the animals are out and about right now.

Just heard from Colin Davis/Scott Kampas for whom I was nowcasting, that they just hit a deer.

Make sure to be cautious out there, especially at nite.
I dont see this year getting any worse...

We've got 681 miles on the car and another 500 to go. We missed that beautiful cone by about 20 minutes, intecepting a disorganizing lowering and the remants of an rfd clear slot... we were too late. Oh this is going to sting for quite sometime, but I don't think its going to break my chasing spirit... I might get to make up for it tomorrow in my home state.
Sitting back at the amerisuites after seeing a small tornado near Alma KS. Will post pictures soon. Saw convoys of chasers near this storm including tour groups.
Originally posted by Anthony Petito+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Anthony Petito)</div>
Possible touchdown in Marlow. Either that or the winds are so strong it's breaking power lines.

Impressive wall cloud.

Makes me sick that I've blown this high risk day.

There may still be hope. SPC looks like they may issue a Tor Watch box for the Omaha area soon. Already on radar it looks as though a cell directly south of Lincoln on the KS/NE border is becoming isolated from the line in the extreme NE corner of KS. Track puts it dead into Omaha in about an 1.5 hour or more. Currently dropping almost 3" hail.[/b]

I was on that storm as it was between Beatrice and Wymore. Lost my back windshield to a hail stone about the size of a tennis ball when it hit. Shattered the stone into one solid chunk and a bunch of smaller chunks that littered my back seat. As I approached the storm I could see it was spinning due to the striations on the updraft (this baby was like a barrel) and the inflow getting wrapped up at the top. Also watched a massive wall cloud pass right over Beatrice, but I couldn't take a picture because of said hole in my car.

I should have stopped for a structure shot early on. This son of a gun had a shelf cloud at the front with part of it so low it was barely off the ground.
Well - the story isn't quite over yet ... will have to write up quite a report sometime this weekend. We chased the tornadic cell across Buchanan and Davies Counties after we got home ... this was one wicked beast of a storm. At one point just across the river from St. Joe it looked like the wall cloud was on the ground, possibly producing but unable to verify. There was more insane lightning and wild structures with this storm than I've seen in quite some time - good grief. So we finally give up near Jamesport, MO to head home ... only to come back to my brothers (joking that wouldn't it be funny if the house was gone when we got back) ... when what do you know - the next-door neighbors' house is demolished by a HUGE downed tree ... there is quite a bit of debris littering the neighborhood, so some kind of high wind event came through while we were gone ... the fire dept. is there now trying to find out if anyone is inside ... the house is a complete loss ... I'll post some photos from it later - this day seems to have been tragic for a few folks. Pretty sad in that respect -
Originally posted by Dick McGowan
Sitting back at the amerisuites after seeing a small tornado near Alma KS. Will post pictures soon. Saw convoys of chasers near this storm including tour groups.


Whereabouts near Alma did you catch that tornado and do you have photos? My boss at work moved out there last month after nearly getting hit by an F2 near his house in SN county last year.
