The 2018 season is officially over for me. I will post a summary here, which I believe is more appropriate than to put it in the Reports section, although I may post more details on individual days there.
First, I will say that while the season was objectively speaking a poor performer, I was pleasantly surprised to have a decent week that featured 5 chase days (5/27, 5/28, 5/29, 5/30, 6/1), 4 of which had decent potential (5/30 being the one that did not), and could have had one additional day (6/3) if we had chosen to take a chance with the terrain and sparse road network of central NM. This shows that even in the worst seasons there can be a few good days and it’s worth coming out, but this would not have been possible without the ability and willingness to time the trip with a somewhat more favorable-looking short-term pattern. Nonetheless, clearly not a good year and definitely one of the five or six worst since I started chasing in 1996. The other bad years, in no particular order, were 2000, 2006, 2009, 2017, and maybe 2002. Actually my first year, 1996, was not good either, but it was a relatively late trip - first two weeks of June - and I have no recollection of what the rest of that season was like. Our trip this year was definitely better than 2000, 2006 and 2017.
I’m talking strictly in terms of opportunities though, because we did not fare too well in our chases. Here’s a quick rundown:
5/27 - did not target southeastern WY. Enough said.
5/28 - focused on the KS portion of the OFB and missed the landspouts in northeast CO
5/29 - enjoyable chase picking up the OK supercell from its birth near Laverne/Buffalo but missed the tornado up in KS. It seems many chasers did the same, judging from the hordes around the OK storm
5/30 - half-hearted chase into southeast CO, did not want to venture too far knowing we had to head north the next day; pretty uneventful day for most I believe
6/1 - underperforming storms in Nebraska, wish we hadn’t been too lazy to drive up to North Dakota... Nice evening though, found a great new brewpub in the middle of nowhere in Broken Bow, like a dream come true to have a beer while watching a spectacular mammatus display and lightning show as the line of storms finally got cranking and shifted off to the east. A nice example of the road trip adventure of chasing and finding things to appreciate in a bad year.
6/3 - decided not to chase NM due to terrain/roads and then regretted it most of the evening. Don’t think we missed anything that great and don’t know if we could have gotten any good vantage points anyway, but probably should have gone for broke on the last day.
I could stay out part of this week and fly home Thursday, but nothing looks worthwhile and with family and professional responsibilities beckoning back home, it just doesn’t seem appropriate or worthwhile to continue jerking around out here. I fly back to Philadelphia from Denver in a few hours from now.