Kelly Sugden
I'm done. You clearly don't understand how verification works.
Maybe ill use the word compare instead of verify from now on.
I'm done. You clearly don't understand how verification works.
The models are in "agreement"
There will certainly be significant changes between now and next week but the only thing that really matters (especially for those forced to plan in advance) is that both the GFS and ECM agree that an active pattern will develop with an increase in severe probs around D7. Those of us who are afforded the luxury of making chase day decisions have a lot of time left before we start drooling on our keyboards, but for those who must plan ahead I can understand why there would be an elevated level of excitement.
I'm done. You clearly don't understand how verification works.
Kelly, I think he was simply saying that the model runs had some agreement. Can tell when we need some severe weather to talk about when single words cause drama.
Michael, I think your whole point in the middle of all of the drama, was that for those of us that have to make a 1000 mile journey and aren't afforded the luxury of sitting in Dodge City, Kansas everyday of our life, we have to plan a little to make a trip happen. I get it, I am doing the same thing as we speak. Jeez, everyone is edgy...
*edit-mods, can we just delete the drama from this thread? I would much rather read discussion with some substance.
The 00z verified what the 18z (the run without all the raob data) said. And there is nothing wrong with verifying one run of The GFS with another to check continuity.
I was talking about the GFS, not consensus between differing models.
You dont check to verify the continuity of the model runs? Sure you do.
The ECMWF is slower yea, but the pattern change is coming. I just hope im in the right place!