2019 Stormtrack Upgrade | Planned Outage

The site is officially upgraded! We had a few stragglers due to DNS getting caught up but outside of that, everyone is now able to get reacquainted with the site at this point.
The app has been disconnected. Tapatalk was our third-party app provider and I decided it was time to change directions. XF2 offers a fabulous mobile browser experience. If enough people scream at us about wanting an app again, I’ll have a native one built. I’ll need to figure out a way to monetize it though unless we have any iOS/Android app devs out there reading that are willing to build one as a contribution to this community. If so, I’d certainly like to talk with you.
Thanks everyone for your patience and for the feedback.
Anyone else having major issues with staying logged in on their browser ever since the changes? About half the time I visit the forum, I will be logged out even though I leave "stay logged in" checked. Then some of the time I can't even log in, it fails with something about cookies needed to be enabled. This wasn't an issue before...
Andy, accept the cookies first and when you login make sure your favorite links for ST all start with https://

If you still have issues delete the data in your browser like, browsing data, cache, cookies, etc. If you dig into the settings of your browser you’ll find the options you need to get what needs to be deleted.