Mike Krzywonski
In light of what has been discussed/observed, does anyone have any predictions regarding May vs. June? I'm currently planning on chasing in May, but I'm wondering if I should reschedule for June instead.
La Nina with the sub-tropical jet further north than usual.. quieter for the southern plains and possibly more active for the northern plains, great lakes, and especially the illinois/kentucky/tennessee areas (relatively). In years like these, it is not unheard for tornado/severe weather outbreaks to happen in strange areas(for that time of year) such as northern illinois in january..
This has been the most active month on record for confirmed tornadoes with at least 252 confirmed so far. Little doubt in my mind we'll surpass 300 for April. Question is, will May/June be like 2006, average, or 2008? Here's hoping for at least average, or 2008!
This has been the most active month on record for confirmed tornadoes with at least 252 confirmed so far. Little doubt in my mind we'll surpass 300 for April. Question is, will May/June be like 2006, average, or 2008? Here's hoping for at least average, or 2008!
Now, taking a look at the last predicitons of the statistical models about Oni, we are getting into a pattern that has many analogies with 2008 one, as regards the second half of May and June.
That would make me smile
Steve Smithson.
I'm even more impressed by the analogies between April 13-14-15 1999 and the outbreaks of the last days (April 14, April 15 with 100 tornadoes in MS and AL, April 16 in SC and NC).
On April 13 99 we had severe storms in Ok and tornadoes in Tx, on April 14 99 Tornadoes in MS and AL (a copy of April 14 2011 with less tornadoes), and on April 15 tornadoes in SC adn NC (a copy of today??).
So far we had these analogies between 99' and 11':
- Both years had an active end of February.
- April 8 1999 outbreak in IA ---------- April 9 2011 Outbreak in IA.
- April 13-14-15 1999 are nearly identical to April 14-15-16 2011.
That said, the parelism between 99' and '11 is more and more evident. Let's see the next days. Theorically the next severe episode in 99 was on April 21-22 in OK,KS,NE and on April 26 in OK, TX, AR, LA.