As every year I try to find comparison between years by taking a look at the Oni index pattern.
As for the statistical models forecasts we'll have a moderate La Nina condition in 2011. I tried to realize a map with a possible paralelism between 2009-2010-2011 and 1997-1998-1999: I mean, if you look with attention the dynamics of these years, you will find they are very very similiar in terms of
Oni pattern and also in terms of outbreaks and periods of tornadoes.
So if 1999 has similarities with 2011 we could expect few and devastating outbreaks in May and a very active June (expecially in NE, SD,ND,IL,TN), many severe weather episodes and tornadoes in the northern Plains.
Infact during June 1999 we had many outbeaks in the northern plains: 1 June; 3 June with 22 tornadoes among NE and ND; 4 June in Ne and SD with many tornadoes in SD and 65 injuries in Shannon, SD; 6 June: 56 tornadoes in ND e IA; 20 June: 3 wedges in ND (200-300 yards of diameter).