this appers to be the only game in town, as nothing else has fired along the front and time is running out quick.

As the last two posters stated, it appers to be bowing out. This could produce a decent wind event across monroe and lenawee counties.
Well... I guess I am gonna have to agree with your comment on it becoming a small-scale bow... I guess I had to take a better look at it. VIL's are still pretty high with it as you mentioned, around 60!

Too bad stuff isn't getting going a bit to the northeast...
Too bad stuff isn't getting going a bit to the northeast...

I know! :evil: :evil:

This is one of the strongest systems that I have seen this late in the season, almost comparable to the strength of a deep winter storm. And, to top it off, it had Td's in the lower 70's to work with, and this is all we can manage?

Yesterday wasn't even as good as I expected either - Shear was beyond impressive, and instability was strong to extreme - What the heck went wrong? I anticipated (and almost expected) a widespread and intense derecho to be the end result of such a strong shear/instability combination. Looking back at other events, this system had way more going for it than the May 31 1998 setup, and many other derecho setups I have seen...
[ What the heck went wrong?

Morning crap that didn't fall apart as first thought. I'm sitting here nearly crying think that before the junk most of the state, eastern half, was in the mid to upper 80s............at noon! :x :( :( :evil: Just think if we could have gotten full sun until around the time the storms fired.
storms going up NW of the largest cell, with one SVR warned storm in jackson county moving NE.

these storms apper to be firing right on the boundry. Could things go yet?
i think it is also somewhat interesting that in the status report on the watch, status report number 4 the most recent one, still has the watch in effect across the entire area. So, the SPC still must think storms could fire north of the current activity.

I'm hopeful, the chances of something going SW of my location is almost 0%, but its not over til its over. :lol:

edit, storms didn't make it near lansing and the jackson county storm looks ragged. Oh well, maybe monday.