All morning I have been debating on whether or not to commit south of the Red River, or north of it. With the very meh road network either side of the state line, and being limited by river crossings, I figure whichever side I end up on will likely be the side I stay on. I agree with Dan about moisture making it to I-40, and for what its worth the 16z HRRR is starting to indicate storms firing farther north into west OK as well, though there has been next to no run-to-run consistency on that. Having said all of that, my current thoughts are to target somewhere north of the Red River along a N-S running highway. I want to be able to adjust if necessary. I'm thinking maybe US-183 near Snyder, but even as I type this I'm second guessing. Luckily being so close to the target area, I have a little bit more time before I have to commit one way or the other.