i know this is going to get nuts on gas priceing now. thurs, the 1st--costco out of regular gas, but high was still only 2.89, they get their shipment later in the day...half hour later, high test tank is to low, they have to shut it off. reg is stil only 2.69. friday, the gas lines are running out into the street, still out of high test. today, i go for gas...regular is now 3.89 and still no high test in site. the gas attendant, who is a friend, tells me about the last few days (which is where i got all this info) and that he will be running out of gas in another hour, unless he gets his tanker in. this was at 8 am. noon thirty, i go by the costco and the gas lines are back open, the price for REGULAR is now 3.14!! its still .05 cheaper than the station up the street (hess) but, gezzzzzzz! im hoping its just the holiday weekend thats driving costcos to raise their rates, i guess ill find out sometime next weekend for sure. will be watching the sheetz across from where i work for the weeks pricing for them, but they have been higher all week long, gouging!