New Stormtrack logo contest

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Nice cause I totally missed this thread. Here's a rough of what I'm working on:



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My website has gone away, so the ones I came up with don't show up anymore. So I threw them back up on imageshack...


BTW I D. Hayes' logos
My ST logo ideas:



More to come.

If you have a good picture (that YOU OWN) and wouldn't mind it being used in the logo, send it to me and I will try a logo with it. My collection of storm photos is limited as I've only been chasing for a short period of time. :P
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I vote for having an election soon as we're about 5 weeks past the original timeline and I want to recognize all of the hard work that has gone into this thread.
There is some very good logo's here. We should have a vote on our favorite one.
I still haven't but any real effort into a logo, my early ones were just quickies. The photo logos are cool, but I feel there could be more artistic artwork done.

But what is submitted is good, I like them, but I wonder how good we can make it!
I've been thinking that something like this image would be good to incorporate into a logo - but it would work better if the image was larger/more clear. But this sort of idea any way, a visual representation of the *track* of a *storm*.........yes? no?

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