Brian Stertz
I remember that chase day well...sat in Oberlin KS when stuff fired everywhere. Heard the tornado warnings and raced off to Yuma Co. and watched a VERY bizarre supercell (had the incredible appearance of being THE actual surface low) spin hard. The violence of the winds above was stunning. Then cold air came in (temps. in the 40's in rain/hailed cooled air). Decided to drop that supercell "chase" and head back to I-70. Saw the supercell to the distant south from Colby but time we got to it, things were dark and all of the "night-nadoes" started to be sighted around the Garden City area. It was a tremendous night for snakes on the road that night. Have never seen that many bull snakes in my life...Rich Thies and I were just stunned after a while...and a little pissed to see the supercell 50 miles away and tornado-ing. Justin Teague and Dave Crowley nailed that one...