Good free weather / radar widget for droid?

Aug 20, 2009
Just wondering if anyone has any good leads on some good weather forcast and radar for us droid users. Free would be really good. Right now I am using weatherbug and have used the weather channel. TWC was pretty decent but often did not update. Weather bug is a bit better but the sat maps don't seem to work.

What do you use?
I'm a big fan of WeatherBug. I like it's alerts, data, and how it works. I've used several apps, and keep going back to WeatherBug.
Do you use the free version or the premium version. I think the paid version is like 2 bucks

I used the free version for about a year on my G1, and then paid for the premium version when I upgraded to the Droid. The features are exactly the same, the premium version just doesn't have the banner ad in it.

I use the small widget that shows current conditions (rain/snow/sun, etc.), and also really like how it shows the temp in the notification bar at all times. It updates automatically depending on where you are, including weather alerts based on your location. That's one of the features I really like.

On my G1 it used to eat the battery down, so I tuned down the updates. The Droid I've found to be so battery smart that I don't have that problem (I also try to plug it in when I drive, etc.).

Oh, and the other thing I really like is that you can configure custom locations and specific weather stations, so if there are stations you want to pay attention to you can add them (I have two stations configured near my house, one run by the elementary school and the other by some guy with a good Davis station).