Phone apps for the 2019 chase season

One quick note to any new chasers wanting to use radar apps on the road.... remember there are inherent hazards on relying solely on radar data or chase-related data. It's been discussed on ST before so I won't go into detail. Loss of data reception, interpretation in relation to your position, driver distraction, and misreading time stamps are all potential hazards that have killed people or caused serious risk.
One quick note to any new chasers wanting to use radar apps on the road.... remember there are inherent hazards on relying solely on radar data or chase-related data. It's been discussed on ST before so I won't go into detail. Loss of data reception, interpretation in relation to your position, driver distraction, and misreading time stamps are all potential hazards that have killed people or caused serious risk.
Yep, thanks for the reminder. I try to go more by storm structure than radar, but I need the radar to keep the big picture.
Sounds like Baron’s want to price themselves right out of the market. It wasn’t that long ago that they were $600 per year for satellite service and you could turn it on and off for a few months for an activation fee during chase season.

That's still the case with Mobile Threat Net, and now the activation fee is waived if you take up to a six month break.

The price increase is on Baron Threat Net, a very similarly named, but totally different product.
Just updated my services. When the WxWorx box comes off of suspension in April, it's been bumped up to the Master Mariner for $59/month.
Bumping...It sure seems like Radar Omega is the hot new radar app on the market. I looked at their website yesterday and it certainly isn’t cheap ($119 per year). It appears the developer is working hard on the feature set, but a few of the bad reviews are worth paying attention to. With the questions we get here about RS and SN and my red dot isn’t showing I have to wonder if it’s users who just aren’t setting it up or using it correctly. It currently has a 3.8 rating in the iPADOS App Store. I may decide to go with it on my phone in the future.
GR2AE is a beast unto itself. I have that app, GRL3, RS (on iPad and Samsung S8+ phone), and was pondering replacing my phone’s RS and PYKL3 with Radar Omega. I honestly don’t know if a cheaper equivalent exists, although I’m sure someone might have another opinion. The only downside is GR2AE runs on Windows, which means you need a laptop in your car. I’ve gone strictly iPad and phone for a few years now and only use GR products when I’m at home arm chair chasing.

Maybe GRL3 with super-res is as close as it gets, just not sure what hardware you chase with.
GR2AE is a beast unto itself.
That it!!
I am basically using Radarscope Pro and Ventusky and alot of luck as i dont chase much as id like. As i spend more time out in the plains ( just retired) i will look into better aps. Learning more and more everyday from this site and others.. and of course the great veterans here such as yourself and others goes along way.
@Marc R. O'Leary @James Taylor The advantage to Allison House in RadarScope is "High Availability". By default RadarScope users can pull radar data from either NOAA or WDT (now DTN - the company that owns RadsrScope). On big days these servers get quite a load and you may have trouble downloading radar data. Every year I hit this some day in May and I go reactivate my Allison House account and I instantly get radar again. There are even greater advantages to using Allison House in Gibson Rodge, as your basic Allison House subscription includes a ton of really useful placefiles.
Thanks you, appreciate the answer
While I can't say I've found any online apps that pay to chase twisters (that sounds a little too good to be true!), there are definitely some fantastic resources out there to fuel your storm chasing adventures.Personally, I like a mix of paid and free apps. NOAA's radar app is a lifesaver, and it's free! For in-depth storm tracking, I wouldn't mind throwing down a few bucks for a subscription service with real-time data and forecasts. Knowledge is power, especially when you're dancing with Mother Nature's fury.