Phone apps for the 2019 chase season

There's a few different ways to WeatherOps. Mine's through the Commander Platform. Full disclosure - My WeatherOps is free because they back me, and I promote the package.

That being said, I can't say much about it right now, but things, they are a-changin', with the DTN buyout and all.
There is an app called WINDY that I love, but didn't see anyone mention. It shows hour by hour forecasted winds as well as overlays of rain, cloud cover, temperature, etc. It is also free and super easy to use.
Baron CWI is a free smartphone app. WDT WeatherOps is available through WDT. Steve Miller (OK) can give you more information. It's a very robust platform.

The WeatherOps platform is for those who have ultra deep pockets. One to three days of coverage is $650.00, so it's more or less out of reach for us regular chasers.
@Marc R. O'Leary @James Taylor The advantage to Allison House in RadarScope is "High Availability". By default RadarScope users can pull radar data from either NOAA or WDT (now DTN - the company that owns RadsrScope). On big days these servers get quite a load and you may have trouble downloading radar data. Every year I hit this some day in May and I go reactivate my Allison House account and I instantly get radar again. There are even greater advantages to using Allison House in Gibson Rodge, as your basic Allison House subscription includes a ton of really useful placefiles.
Just confirmed with Cliff, the pricing for the internet-based Baron Threat Net (not the satellite-based product) has gone up this year. It's now an annual subscription of $900, which puts it solidly out of my reach this year.
I looked at their website and couldn't find the cost for the internet based Baron Threat Net though I see references to yearly and monthly subscriptions. Using it only for May or June might be a better choice, but I am not convinced there is enough extra info that is useful for chasers than what can already be obtained through RadarScope on their higher tiers. I am a big supporter of their satellite system but have my doubts about the internet-based one.
Monthly for Baron Threat Net doesn't exist. It's been hinted at for a couple of years, but doesn't yet exist.
Sounds like Baron’s want to price themselves right out of the market. It wasn’t that long ago that they were $600 per year for satellite service and you could turn it on and off for a few months for an activation fee during chase season.
As a followup question to the original post, what are the best radar/apps for laptops for this chase season? I am newer to chasing and want to know what apps to invest in. Thanks
If it's a Windows laptop I'd say it comes down to a GRLX product found here: GRLevelX Main Page. Or if you prefer you could go with RS aka Radarscope, which can be found here: RadarScope - Professional Weather Radar. You could also purchase an Allison House subscription to use as you data provider, but it isn't mandatory. If you have the money AH does offer some extra goodies like placefiles and an archive of L2 files that goes back a ways. Just skimming the customizations AH has for GRLX vs RS I'd say they have way more for GRLX products. Maybe we can get Gilbert @sebenste to chime in and give us the old sales pitch for AH. Weather Data by AllisonHouse - Radar, Lightning & Weather Tools