Forum search enhancements (split from different thread)

D. Hayes

Have you all seen the new predictive search function in other forums? When you start typing in keywords in the search box, a search is actively taking place and related threads will appear below the search text box as you type. Google searches are the same style.
Jason, that's awesome!
As for predictive search, yeah, I'm a user of a couple other forums that support non-weather interests of mine and can say there are a lot of features out there that this forum could utilize.
Heh, that's up there with LMGTFY :)

Have you all seen the new predictive search function in other forums? When you start typing in keywords in the search box, a search is actively taking place and related threads will appear below the search text box as you type. Google searches are the same style.

I've seen that on a few forums as well. I'm not sure what kind of server ST is running on, but a lot of features which take up mad amounts of server resources from VBulletin are turned off right now. There is a similar threads feature which isn't used and a couple of others. Not to mention there are literally thousands of mods which can make stuff that has been suggested possible.

But it also takes up server resources, and when this place gets hopping in the spring, it's probably best you take most everything but the essentials down. So I guess my point is: I'm sure there are a lot of things the guys want to implement but they can't.
A few references above may confuse some because they reference post(s) not included in this thread. The above 3 posts were split off from another thread since this topic (search enhancements / predictive text) may be of interest to some.