ChaserCon 2016

I'll be in the area for any festivities since I live close, but the days my work was shut down where I didn't get paid cemented me not being able to attend the conference.

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Been going back and forth the past few weeks on whether or not I wanted to shell out $140 to sit through maybe half the conference. I love much of this year's line up, but that extra $140 could go a long way in another direction, and because we'll be in the building all weekend, I decided to skip the registerartion and just catch the speakers I wanna see on the live stream or later on youtube. I can wait a few days to save $140. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone, just don't want the added expense of "getting in the room" once we're "in the building."

So, unlike last time when we PAID for the conference and skipped almost everything except the keynote, we're gonna just enjoy the weekend as a social event, and save a little shake in the process.
Roger and Caryn Hill have posted on Facebook and revealed that ChaserCon 2016 will likely be held at the Embassy Suites in Norman, OK on the weekend of January 22-24, 2016. They have posted a long facebook post here which is quoted below:

What are your thoughts? Who will be there? I'm extremely excited to have a ChaserCon in my back yard for once. Denver was getting old for me, and I think it definitely deserved a change of scenery.

Is this a confirmed conference and location? If so I'll be there!
This year will be our 4th time attending Chasercon. For those 1st time attendees, it's a really good opportunity to meet some fellow chasers and see some interesting speakers & presentations. Certainly looking forward to seeing everyone out there (as well as seeing how large the crowd is given that it is in Norman).
I wish I could make it, but sadly, I work 14 days straight and then get one or two days off and then repeat so I don't get time to do crap :( and the days I do get off, all I want to do is sit on my butt and rest lol.
This was a Chasercon I so much wanted to be at (awesome agenda!!) and unfortunately higher priorities with family are encroaching for me this year. Thanks to Severe Studios for again hosting the live stream !!! I hope to at least catch some of the events this weekend. Hope you all have a great time and I hope to be there next year!