ChaserCon 2016

Can't say if I will be there; Denver was closer and therefore easier for me but I understand the idea of moving it around. I heartily approve of moving it away from President's Day/Valentines weekend and hope that the new dates in January will continue in future years no matter where it is.
@Jeff Duda I think we really could use some more advanced topics. I eventually would like to see ChaserCon go into breakout sessions like other conventions I've been to. Have a room for advanced chasing, a room for beginners, a room for technical stuff and get a whole plethora of speakers for each room. Then my experience at ChaserCon might be different than someone who is new to chasing like @Ashley Poling but we can all reconvene for the keynote.

new to chasing? I've been chasing since 2009. Granted I haven't chased the plains all year every year, but I don't consider myself "new". Go home troll. :)
I will definitely be there. For me it was never about the money or distance, it was all about Chasercon being on Valentine's Day weekend - something that was incompatible with my relationship status. (Yes, I am one of THOSE people).

President's Day I can deal with. Valentine's Day is non-negotiable.
I will probably make it out there, but it has nothing to do with it being more convenient. It has more to do with how big it will be as a whole. Im sure the speaker list will be 10 times better.
I didnt mind Sanner's lecture topic this year, although the delivery was meh. Not everything has to be a nerd'fest. Its a chaser convention, not MetEd live.
I'd consider making the trip, but hotel would probably depend on price. I'm not opposed to staying at a neighboring hotel to save significant $$, but probably not for just a few bucks.
Getting it out of the Valentines Day/President's Day period is probably the single most reason this will be the year I attend. Any idea when we could expect the info to surface regarding conference costs/room rates?
This is much more reasonable for me, living in the Dallas area. My concern is that late January is the middle of winter and there could be significant travel problems going to and from Oklahoma City. As probably most of you know, ice and snow are extremely common in January and February in Oklahoma ( and even can occur big time in Dallas). It would be sad to spend lots of money on conference and hotel reservations - and flights for those flying, only to end up not being able to attend due to serious road conditions. I'm wondering if a later conference date, or if it must be in January, it would be better in a more southern locale. (such a Houston).
I can only think of maybe a handful of days since I moved here in 2010 where it would be hard to drive between Dallas and OKC. I'd rather it be interrupted by winter weather than later in the season when severe weather is possible.