Greg McLaughlin
What a perfect setup this is. I don't think I have ever seen such a perfect combination of ingredients before! The large trough is taking on a nice negatvie tilt with a strong upper jet diving around the backside of the trough. Widespread 40-50kt H5 flow will overspread the entire Plains by the afteroon with stronger H3 flow. I love the speed of the wind fields. The storms won't be moving too fast, especially for the southeren target. The 12z OUN sounding has a classic "loaded gun" look to it, as does Topeka. After looking a satellite and everything else I feel great about Oklahoma and Kansas. I think the cap will be too strong to get anything going south of the Red River, but northcentral Oklahoma and southcentral Kansas look dynamite.
I am headed to Enid, OK. I plan on arriving around 17z.
I am headed to Enid, OK. I plan on arriving around 17z.