Definately don't like the temperature spreads as of 0z unless you are way up in the Dakotas, but with the winds backed across much of the area I can see moisture on the return. Dryline just to my west so this shortwave should punch in and bring ample deep shear. Descent spread in Emporia, but the LCL's have gotta come way down. I will stay put in Topeka until the 12z data rolls in. I have a hunch on heading north towards the Lincoln area,although I may jog a bit to the west given the reality that the dryline should retreat some overnight, but I will hang tight and not overplay the event.
Looks like the squish zone for the WF, DL, and CF will be somewhere in south central to south east Nebraska. I'm still gonna kick it at the casa in Lawrence but am eyeballing an area along the KS/NE border for the next day......probably the Lincoln, Neb area, and will reassess when the 12 Z run comes in.
Lanny and I would head up to ICT, meet up with Jake & Kevin. Then onto Marysville, KS overnight. Waiting to hone in on our target with the next days data.

Kevin and I will attempt to avoid Lanny and Chad as they are bad influences...and will stay the night at home in Wichita. How about that return flow in just 12 hours...geesh!...Looks to be a great setup.
Rethinking things looking over latest data buffet....looks like DL is retreating back into High Plains...and moisture looks poised to be in flood mode across OK/KS. I will move down from C. Nebraska to Salina KS and hold there in case I need to be further south.

Have some b-fast with my 12z data and get ready for a fat nader day somewhere...
looks like a multiple target day.
Looking at the 00Z and reading the SPC outlook, seems like tomorrow will be like shooting fish in a barrel no matter where you go. Famous last words, of course; I've probably just jinxed the whole scenario.

I was thinking of a northern play before, and that idea is solidifying. From what I can see, the best H5 winds will be scooting through SD/northern NE, and deep moisture shouldn't be a problem. Should be great helicity along the WF. And...assuming most of y'all opt for KS/MO south, I can probably avoid the caravans.

Looking forward to tomorrow's late-afternoon delivery of the early morning maps. ;)
I'm going to head up to Wichita for the night, just so I can better narrow down a target tomorrow. Of course I wouldn't go so far with such little analysis in reality, but that's not what this is :)
I left early in the morning of the day before the event to head to Omaha, NE area to base for the following day and to check out any storms that may develope in the vicinity.
I have moved to Betreace, Nebraska and will wait there for more data.
Nice moisture advection in SE Ks, I feel the smell of big tornadoes down there:D; as fa as me I'm on the way to Hebron,Ne hoping to see some towers before to get there.
I am a little late on this one, but a quick glance over the data is very encouraging for a big event tomorrow. I've left Denver and will stay at my friends house in Great Bend, KS overnight and be ready to roll in the morning...
Gettin in on this late! LOL.

I will join my good ol' buddy Mr. James Skivers for some BBQ at his place in Kansas City and discuss a gameplan tonight, After the BBQ I'll go home to St. Joseph, sleep and wake up to new data at 12z. Im likely gonna set up at my favorite perching spot in NE KS, Hiawatha, KS. but for now please place me in St. Joe til the morning.

By the way, I saw a couple people mention St. Joe. You are welcome to crash at my place if you need a place to stay :D
0z update: A quick glance at the 0z data, and I'm going to stick with staying in Salina, KS. I'll check out 12z data in the morning and refine my target from there.