Big Tornado Day 2005

Mar 2, 2004
Northern Colorado
Okay.. a chance to labor a guess as to what day(s) will be the biggest tornado days.. for example, this year.. May 12, May 24, May 29...

Here, you are to predict the exact day and general location of 2005's biggest tornado day. Obviously we'll look back on this over the course of next season to see if anyone was right.

May 17, 2005 - North-Central Oklahoma
What defines the "biggest tornado days"? An outbreak with >45 tornadoes? >20 tornadoes? What about lone awesome supercell that drops 4 high-contrast naders? Just seeking a bit of clarification before I make my guess... :)
Well, since I'm out here in Illinois, and dont really care when the big plains outbreak is...I'm gonna take a stab at Illinois' big day...which I will place at May 8th, and May 20th.

As for a plains thingy, I'll throw May 17th out there.
June 3, 2005, Grand Island, will be, afterall, the 25th anniversary of the event which inspired one of the cheesy tornado movies of the mid 90's. :)


What defines the "biggest tornado days"? An outbreak with >45 tornadoes? >20 tornadoes? What about lone awesome supercell that drops 4 high-contrast naders? Just seeking a bit of clarification before I make my guess... :)

Basically a day in the sense of amazing chasing; one that will be talked about for a while. Not so much 100 tornadoes, but a day where a Supercell gives up 7 gorgeous tornadoes, a day when multiple supercells drop three dozen, those types. Basically days like the ones I mentioned where for one reason or another, they were huge chasing days.
biggest day anywhere in country: april 29th 2005.

biggest day locally, michigan, june 17th 2005.

Biggest surprise day, which means nothing big is forecasted but in the end happens, july 7th. Hey, if i forecast this and it turns out to be right, ha ha, would that mean it wasn't a surprise :?:
I knew that magic 8 ball would come in handy some day! :lol:

May 8th, 2005. Super outbreak running from N. Central Texas up through Central OK. Most destructive to hit Childress, Texas. Moore is not in the line of fire for this one. 8)
May 21, 2005. I'll be in Oklahoma at this point in time. SPC has high risk from northern texas to nebraska. By the end of the day 85 tornados occur with 3 F5s, 10 F4s, and 11 F3s. Moore is once again wiped off the map and never rebuilt :shock:
May 28th, 2005

I see 21 tornadoes for my 21st birthday! SPC issues moderate risk for eastern Kansas, then upgrades later in the day to high risk and tornadoes drop from the dryline, moving slow enough just like the Russell, Kansas event (anybody say 8 miles per hour?)
2005 Biggest Tornado Drought in History
Many chasers put on 24 hr suicide watch.
Warren Faidley has to file for unemployment.
EBay crashes due to influx of XM systems,camcorders and scanner equipment.
Oklahoma chaser found brutally beaten after forecast he made on stormtrack fourm in 2004 comes true!

Ok just kidding, I sure hope something gives here in Oklahoma next spring I really don't like having to drive to Neb and Kansas to see storms :lol:
Charles you do know that if you're prediction comes true, watch out. :wink: :p

Any time between May 12th and 22nd. But let's go with May 16th, NC Kansas.