ATL: Invest 94L WSW of Cape Verde Islands

Dec 8, 2003
Leicester, England
ATL: Invest 94L WSW of Cape Verde Islands

"UKMET model is suggesting development of a tropical wave currently located off the coast of Africa, about 600 miles west-southwest of the Cape Verde Islands. This system (94L) is expected to track west-northwest and be near the Lesser Antilles Islands on Saturday. Wind shear is a low 5-10 knots over this disturbance, and some slow development is likely over the next two days."
The circulation center appears to be very well organized this early. Though compact, the sat presentation is impressive. With only the presence of a weak trough to the northwest and perhaps the cutoff low to the north, it doesn't appear likely to experience significant shear anytime soon. I would be surprised if this system didn't receive an upgrade within the next 48 hrs.
Looks like 94L is on it's last leg.

Interesting note, if a Cape Verde storm does not form in the next few days, it looks like August will pass with no major hurricane striking the US which formed in that region. Not sure what that statistic means for September?
