Anyone chase with GR2/GR2Analyst instead of GR3?

May 3, 2012
I've seen most discussions say to go with GR3 during a chase, due to limited bandwidth.

Wondering if it's feasible in some parts of the country to chase with GR2.

I have Verizon 4G, which according to PCWorld tests gives 6.44mbps down/5.00mbps up/128ms latency. I have a strong computer technical background, so I know what it really comes down to is the coverage you get in badly covered areas, so these numbers don't necessarily mean anything.

Anyone happy with GR2 performance while in good parts of the cell grid, and run GR3 alongside for in other areas?

I haven't tried my laptop through my phone in unpopulated areas, but I know I'm not looking forward to it!
We use analysis and GR3. 90% of the time when not near any city, analysis will not load new updates. I have had a couple issues this year (mostly W-OK and TXpanhandle) where I couldn't get either of them to load, even with 1/2 to full signal. Using my iPhone at the same time would download Radar Scope images very slow. I'm sure it had a lot to do with hundreds of people using the towers in the rural areas for data.
In or near an urban area the issue may not be the speed but the data cap. With Dual-pol now, some of the files can be up to 10MB every volume... So, 10MB X 12 volumes per hour = 120MB/hr. You'll approach caps pretty quick at that pace. Yes, in an EVDO RevA coverage or better area I'll sometimes try to sneak in a L2 volume just so I can see what's going on better, but on the whole, stick with L3 data.
Yeah I run both most of the time takes a little longer for level2 update.In May 09 in Arkansas they have very good data in the eastern part and I chased with just GR2A worked great and if your chasing solo you can use NROT helps out a bunch.Gr3 will update with very little service.You can always use a booster to help.