Andrea Griffa
I'm getting over Beatrice,Ne: I keep a South option. I guess Kansas City will be hit by some supercell today.
I feel really confident about my current position Columbus, KS, and I like how things are beginning to shape up. The 18z surface plot shows the dryline pushing through the I-35 corridor attm. The visible satellite image shows clouds are beginning to clear out across eastern Kansas and northeast Oklahoma. A nice cu field is quickly developing on the back edge of the thicker cloud deck and this area will likely be where storms initiate in the next couple of hours or so.
Another feature I am keeping an eye on is the belt of mid-level clouds extending northeast from western Texas into northeast Oklahoma and southwest Missouri. This is obviously evidence of a strong mid-level jet pushing through the southern Plains, and I expect the best storms to develop on the LFQ of this jet feature....across southeast Kansas south into northeast Oklahoma.
I feel like I'm still in a great spot (Topeka) sitting in a juicy atmosphere, dryline apporaching, cumulus clouds building. Still hoping things will start popping in my line of sight. Could be a chaser convergence with those of us still in east central Kansas at this point. Ready to move quick if I need to.