I see decent targets from central TX all the way up into SD, depending on what happens with the dry line, existing cloud deck, and ongoing convection/precip up in NE. I like the backing surface winds further north, and there's a nice plume of moisture feeding up toward SD with a strong LLJ already in place. Upper level winds are strong here with nice diffluence aloft across most of the plains states. Further south, a very sharp, well-defined dry line is in place with slightly veered but confluent surface winds. With clearing skies, CAPE could develop nicely here, but a modestly strong cap could play a role in storm development and timing. Central KS seems like a clear target with a dry line bulge already hinted at, strong diffluent upper winds, nice clear skies, convergence along the boudary to the north, backed surface winds, and a strong LLJ just east of the I35 corridor. So where shall I begin the day...does anybody have a three- or four-sided coin?
I think I'll park myself near Woodward, OK. That sharp dry line and more easterly upper winds attracts me. The south could cap bust, so I still have an option to get up into KS. I was very tempted to start the day way up in N NE just to break with my normal tendencies. If the warm front lifts quickly and the worked over air is replaced with more rich return flow air, I think a surprise cell or two could develop up into SD, but I'm going to stick with the more widespread available options down here in OK. Scratch that. I'm gonna play my gut and start out in Grand Island, NE. Since the worked over air will take a little while to recover, I'll just go back to sleep for a few hours and see what's cookin' around 15z or so.