I have an Alltel broadband card that hooks into your USB port. I just switched over this year from Verizon. The download speeds are faster and the coverage area is a lot better. There are some holes that I have noticed around the Kansas region this season. I have not chased much up in the northwest portion of the state, so I won't be any help to those chasing up there tomorrow. Barber and Harper Counties in Kansas are really spotty south of highway 160. The counties adjacent to those in Oklahoma are pretty bad too. I don't get much of a signal in northern Hodgeman County, northwest of Jetmore either. Out in far western Kansas, you will loose connection right before and into eastern Colorado, south of I-70. Those are the only three areas I have had major problems this season. I do not have an amplifier either. I-70 and I-35 are awesome. I was connected without interruption from Goodland, Kansas all the way back to Wichita when returning from a chase in eastern Colorado!