As several have suggested here, have you considered using your phone with wifi tethering on?
I used to travel with a 5510 Jetpack prepaid on Verizon (CDMA) and also my phone on first ATT and now T-Mobile (GSM). This was expensive, cluttered, and less reliable than what is possible today.
4-5 seasons ago I noticed T-Mobile start to have decent coverage just about everywhere I chase (TX, OK, CO, KS, WY, SD, NE, etc). Since, the T-Mobile phone has become better than the Verizon Jetpack in terms of coverage and data speed.
Now that 3G is phased out for 4G LTE and 5G, having one of each carrier type to talk to the nearest tower doesn't make as much sense unless your data needs are intense, in which case I suggest bonded data. There is a lot of improved overlap and more arrangements in sharing data from various carrier towers these days. It was common for a while for only one carrier to have towers in certain areas and sell bandwidth to others via roaming. There are still dead areas on each carrier, but they are greatly reduced, almost rare.
For my use case I no longer see the need for anything but a T Mobile phone used as wifi hotspot simultaneously (no extra cost). I have zero issues with this arrangement, where I had to restart the Verizon 5510 sometimes when it wouldn't move to new towers.
A couple long stories not worth repeating here, but I despise Verizon and dumped them as soon as I didn't need their coverage backup. It had become habit to use their Jetpack, and I am glad I moved away from it.