Alltel offers unlimted mobile broadband (500kb/s+) for $25 a month

VERIZON fine print:

That should cut out most storm chasers right there. In fact, that should cut out almost everything but checking your email if they wanted to be sticklers about it.

I guess I don't see why. I can understand why they'd include stuff to cover their butts, like big uploads/downloads and automatic devices that are always going.
Unlimited Axcess Broadband and MobileLink services cannot be used for the following:
1. Up/down-loading or streaming of movies, music, or games;
2. With server devices or with host computer apps, including web camera posts/broadcasts, automatic data feeds, VOIP, or file sharing;
3. As a substitute or backup for private lines or dedicated data connections.
4. Peer-to-Peer (P2P) file sharing

From alltel. Seems rather similar to what verizon says.
I guess I don't see why. I can understand why they'd include stuff to cover their butts, like big uploads/downloads and automatic devices that are always going.

Your right, in most cases it probably is just a CYA in case someone is abusing the system. But again, if they WANTED to be STICKLERS about it, they could nail you on just about anything.

Those of us sending out video/pics...thats in their exlusions. Chase Webcams...yep that's there too. Use of automated data feeds/machine to machine connections....pretty sure you could shove GRL3, DA or SwiftWX under that one. For that matter even Outlook Express. With server online game playing. They really have written almost everything into it IF they wanted to crack it down on someone.

In the real world, I can't see them doing that on anything chasers do with the exception of sending out video, and that's assuming you could get a fast enough connection not to make the process excruciating. I suspect they would most nail the MMORG players and file sharers.
From alltel. Seems rather similar to what verizon says.

Their disclaimer is similar, but when people have asked Alltel phone reps about whether there is a bandwidth cap or not, the answer has so far been unanimous that there isn't. Some have directly asked whether they can do stuff like play games, download large files, etc... they're told they can do everything they would with a normal internet connection. So far, no Alltel customers have reported being told they they've used "too much" internet (and some admit to being very heavy users), whereas there are a large number of reports of Verizon customers having their service shut off (and been billed $175 early termination fee!) for using too much of their "unlimited" internet.
It's important to note that if you get Verizon's PDA/smartphone package, that's NOT meant for tethering. They used to actually disable the phone's tethering capabilities before selling them. Dunno if they still do, but unless something has changed, the tethering rate is quite a bit more. It's also not unlimited -- if you use more than a few gigs a month, they'll cancel your service and bill you the early disconnect fee.

I dunno if Alltel covers in Iowa or not -- I'd check with Alltel. I know with the $25 a month plan, you actually are allowed to use the "roaming AML" areas for free -- which is much of Iowa, as you can see. Actually, I think they roam on Verizon's network, so you'll likely be using the same towers either way.

And when using the AML roaming areas, what is the difference? Is it just like connecting in the other areas? Is it just like the mobile link areas? I guess I figured something would be different. Maybe you just get the 14.4 in those? If it sounds ok in those areas I'll probably drop my verizon plan and go with it. I just hope they don't wind up in the same boat as verizon might be with this "unlimited" thing.
And when using the AML roaming areas, what is the difference? Is it just like connecting in the other areas? Is it just like the mobile link areas? I guess I figured something would be different. Maybe you just get the 14.4 in those? If it sounds ok in those areas I'll probably drop my verizon plan and go with it. I just hope they don't wind up in the same boat as verizon might be with this "unlimited" thing.

I'd give Alltel a call on that one -- I asked this question on one of the Alltel nerd forums out there, and I didn't get much response. I know with the 25$ a month plan (BTW, you can't get this plan with an Alltel smartphone, it sounds nuts, but smartphones have their own higher data monthly fee), the Alltel page states that you have unlimited usage of the AML roaming areas... but what that means, I don't know. I suspect that it means that you'd end up with the slower 1xRtt (15 kilobytes per second) speeds, but I really dunno. :) I doubt it means QNC because I've heard that Alltel is phasing out QNC altogether, and most new phones don't even support it. I actually got a letter in the mail from them telling me to start using the 1xRtt login procedure instead of the QNC login procedure. One person on one of the forums said that it meant 1x Verizon areas... you can see his response here:

FWIW, the highspeed internet is coming online here in Lincoln and in Omaha; I'm now getting about 30 kilobytes per second download speed, even way out in the boondocks of rural Saunders county. That's only about a third of what it's capable of, but it's not officially launched yet and I think they're bringing it slowly online.
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This thing rules! I bought a phone Monday and hooked it up yesterday and it was flying. I did a speed test online and was right at 500k. I'm eager to test it out chasing.

The guy made it sound like any analog capable phone wouldn't support the fastest speeds. I finally let it go and just got the razr. It also seemed a bit limiting on which ones would charge through the usb. I tried to talk about the QNC areas, but he didn't think that was of much use either. I hope I don't regret those two deals.

I've noticed something while looking at the maps. Look at the SD map, but look at northern NE and nw IA. Then look at the NE version and look at northern NE and nw IA. That SD map must be older than their other maps because it doesn't show areas covered in nw IA or northern NE....which are showing on the NE map. So, I'd assume SD is better than it looks.

Edit: Oh yeah and their whole TOS stuff. The guy helping me sounded like he runs the Lavista store, but was just helping out in west Omaha while I was there. While explaining the whole speed thing he was like, "if you plan on streaming any video you'll want to get one of these." lol It's in their TOS you can't do that, but here the guy is telling me what I'd probably need if I wanted to do much of that.

Edit: Actually the whole map thing doesn't exactly jive like I first said. NW IA has the better coverage on the SD map than it does on the NE map. But still it's one map showing better coverage than is on another. That is all around goofy.
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My new Alltel hookup had it's maiden voyage last weekend and it worked great. Good signal all the way from Michigan through Kansas. A few disconnects, but rarely a problem reconnecting. The only prolonged dead zone was in the Flint Hills. Overall I'm very pleased. Cheap, effective, and flexible--who could ask for more?
I used the Alltel data plan all day on Saturday throughout northwest MO and Kansas without any problems at all, just a couple of disconnects. Not bad at all for $25 a month...
I was on the Sprint network and had flawless connectivity through my entire trip with a lone exception of Hwy 87/64 in Northeast New Mexico. I was very surprised and impressed as I was receiving data service in areas the maps didn't cover. My plan is a bit pricier than Altel, but for those Sprint users, was very impressed with coverage in Western Oklahoma and the Texas Panhandle as well as Eastern Colorado and Western Kansas.
Went to local Alltel this morning and got the data connect kit and signed up for data plan. Was unable to install drivers on my Windows Vista laptop. Called their tech support and they said that their kit would not be Vista compatible until late March.
Anybody have any alternative ideas?
I dont know about anyone else but I did have problems getting the software and the phone to work right...and I have xp home. The motorola phone tools software doesnt have my exact phone type (razr V3Cm) so I am having to use a motorola gsm works fine now but there were not any instructions on how to do any of it so it was quite a pain.
I have the motorola razr also, and had some problems with getting it to recognize my phone. However, after I reinstalled the drivers and plugged it into a different USB port, it finally recognized it. The connection worked flawlessly and only dropped once in 4 hours.
Wife needed a new phone and I needed to switch plans anyway so I got an EVDO enabled phone (Samsung U520) for free through Alltel. No external antenna jack, but I just purchased the data cable/software for $10 off ebay. Can't wait to try it out this season... I'll probably add the data package come May. Looks like much better coverage than sprint ;)