A couple of pretty pics from non-severe storms (Australia)

Mar 19, 2004
Mt Warrigal, NSW, Australia
After a slow start the Australian storm season has finally got going. There has been a couple of supercells in Victoria and one very interesting nasty supercell in inchasable "jungle" on the NSW coast that had radar hail spikes evident.

My season has yielded non-severe storms, but a couple of pretty images.

A chase on the 8th November. LI -8, Cape >2000. Shear was modeled to be good, but did not deliver on the day therefore storms did not discreetly organise - these were actually taken late in the day after the main instability and cluttered junk had moved away.

Click for larger

The 10th November saw a local chase after work. Li -1 and CAPE < 1000, and to top the bad news a nasty overcast of cirrus, hardly conditions to inspire, yet one little storm got going.

Another non-severe storm earlier in the season on the 13th October - a storm whose bark was worse than the bite.
