3/12/06 NOW: KS/MO

New cell popping up right along the dry line NE of Tulsa. This cell appears to be rooting itself right in the boundary and is already showing signs of rotation. At this point, it is discreet as compared to the rest of the line, but my guess would be that it will eventually congeal with the rest of it.
Originally posted by Lance Maxwell
The first cell going up along the dryline just east of Gainesville.

Looking at the environment that these storms are going up in - it is highly sheared with SRH AOA 300 m^2/s^2, but the mode of initiation seems to be the cold front catching up with the dryline. If these storms start out supercellular, I would soon expect a transition to a linear mode and fill in with the remainder of the squall line further north along what now appears to be an effective cold front.
Jefferson City is in imminent danger from a tornado strike. Very strong couplet/hook with confirmed tornado on the ground only about fifteen miles southwest of town hauling northeast at 50 mph. It looks pretty grim for them right about now.
Don't count out St. Louis just yet; the night is young and one of these supes or maybe that squall line could drop a nader on fair St. Louis somtime early tomorrow morning.
my KSGF images on GR3 last updated at 11:16.....

area of tornado likelihood passes 5 miles south of Branson....
Lots of resorts in that area on Table Rock Lake....