3/12/06 NOW: KS/MO

Callaway County, MO... Non-warned cell with small hook.... rotation becoming evident just southwest of Fulton

EDIT: Tornado warning just issued, rotation bearing down on city of Fulton
70kt LLJ in eastern MO

Here's something you don't see every day:

Look at the St. Louis radar, base velocity, 0.5 degree tilt:

Note the velocity of 70+ kts 40-60 mi from the site (radar sweeping through about 5000 ft)!

Today will go into the record books. The thing that amazed me the most was the degree of severe WX typically associated with SFC-based instability (tornadoes, supercells) that occurred well north of the WF in environments that not only had SFC T/Td’s in the low-40’s/30’s; but also little or no (elevated) instability – i.e., little or no MUCAPE.

- bill