Why moderator intervention?

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Originally posted by Anthony Petito
For those who are going to take this into your own hands (legally!), find someway to team up instead of going individually. This will save you all on attorney fees and will make the case that much easier to win from the attorny's standpoint. I would recommend to continue doing your research.

I guess I should mention that I am not a lawyer (IANAL)

That's a good thought, you could all team up and file a class action lawsuit against Billy... would save $$$.
There is no reason to continue speaking of legal action on the board. If you're going to do it, just do it.

As for threats against this individual. So far I have seen or heard of nothing along this line, other than the fact that he says there have been threats. But then, he has said a lot of things over the last 24 hours.

I feel not one ounce of sorrow for bringing this out in the open and discussing it frankly and strongly. This is one subject that absolutely mandates such discussion. If any of it has been too strong for any of you, may I suggest easier-to-digest subject material in the everything else forum perhaps? Maybe something that won't make you feel as uneasy.

There has not been any post to my knowledge that has moved into a questionable or threatening tone on this board or any other. All of this has been forthright discussion. When one of you is affected by something like this, then ALL of you are, like it or not. And the individual behind this action needs to understand how his choices have affected people, though I am now beginning to believe that he has unfortunately progressed beyond the ability to do so.
Originally posted by Chris Sokol

But have you ever stayed at a Holiday Inn Express?

I used wifi at the Holiday Inn Express in Childress on June 12, but it still didn't help me pick the southern storm. :wink: Don't know if that counts at all.

Sorry, couldn't resist. Back to the topic.
While MikeDeason's screen shots are good, did anybody think of doing a SiteSuck/Mirror of the offending site/pages/images (like you would use for Offline Browsing? If not, somebody should be grabbing the Google Cached pages immediately.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE
Originally posted by Darren Addy
While MikeDeason's screen shots are good, did anybody think of doing a SiteSuck/Mirror of the offending site/pages/images (like you would use for Offline Browsing? If not, somebody should be grabbing the Google Cached pages immediately.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE

I think Doug M. saved the entire site to his hard disk...
Now that I have calmed down some and slept since last night and got to look over things. I am still pretty pissed about it. I think it's important to note for those of you that DIDN'T get pics stolen and are having a hard time understanding why we are so adamant about it all....

If the dude would have just come in and fessed up to it and simply pulled them down, while we probably would have been mad a bit for it, most, if not all of us would have let it pass. What really infuriated myself and I am sure the others was his (continued) willingness to come in here and STILL claim the images where is, despite the ABSOLUTE proof that they were not,

It insults the intelligence of the entire chase community and doubly so for the photographers that took the pictures.

Whether or not he was making any profit off of the images is irrelavant, even for taking a case to court. The copyright law also provides for CRIMINAL penalties and fines for such blantant and willfull image theft.

I would never have persued this if he had just fessed up and taken them down. But I will now as are others. This kind of crap is happening more and more often and unfortunately for Billy, it appears this time he is going to be made the example.

For the record, everything I had to say to Billy was done where anyone could see it except for the PM I sent him asking him to pull his guestbook down for a while to stop the nonsense going on over there where someone was trying to make THEIR case in his guestbook which had nothing to do with any of this, which he did for a while. I think the fact that those two seem to have buddied up now says volumes.
Originally posted by rdewey
This thread is so interesting.

It's quite obvious that Billy has infringed on several people's photos. Warren Faidley responded pretty quickly...

I've been told the guy is getting a spanking in a news group so I'll let that go for now.

Thanks again:


Obviously someone else must have talked to him, if he knows that Billy is getting a "spanking" in a newsgroup.

He's taken more than copyrighted PICTURES. If you take a look at the code behind his weather page: http://www.billygriffin.com/wxpage.htm (go to your browser's VIEW menu and choose "View Source") you'll find this little html comment:

I've site-sucked everything that still lives under billygriffin.com, so if it is modified or goes away now, it really doesn't matter.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE
IANAL, (and I hate to give comfort to "the enemy") but any lawyer that you consult will begin with a "Cease and Desist" letter to Mr. Griffin. If he complies with that letter, then there is probably no value in proceeding with litigation unless you enjoy enriching lawyers.

That may not be terribly satisfying to those of you who were wronged, but you must remember that the big loser in a case of plaguarism is the plaguarist (in more ways than one).

Can your reputation in the storm chasing community go down in flames any brighter or more spectacularly??? I mean, can you put a big flashing red and blue light bar on your lack of ethics, self-esteem, self-respect in any bigger way than Mr. Griffin has done here??? I'm afraid that from all indications, Mr. Griffin has problems MUCH bigger than plaguarism that can't be cured by any amount of legal action. He clearly needs professional help. Imagine being the 13-year-old son of this guy (assuming THAT part isn't made up, too). Can you imagine the life's lessons that are being instilled in this kid by a father who behaves (and then justifies his actions) like this? Truly sad to remember that there are some people that are being hurt worse by this guy than those of you who had your photography and vidcaps stolen.

I'm sorry if that sounds harsh, but if you step back and look at the big picture here, everyone who has had their work co-opted has been wronged (BIG TIME) but the waaaaay biggest loser in this is Mr. Griffin, and that's before any lawyers get involved.

This isn't a sad day for the Griffin household. Every day between the first day that Billy grabbed someone else's picture and put it on his web site and claimed it to be his own, up until today has been the sad ones. It just came into the light today.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE
Originally posted by Darren Addy+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Darren Addy)</div>
This thread is so interesting.

It's quite obvious that Billy has infringed on several people's photos. Warren Faidley responded pretty quickly...

I've been told the guy is getting a spanking in a news group so I'll let that go for now.

Thanks again:


Obviously someone else must have talked to him, if he knows that Billy is getting a "spanking" in a newsgroup.

He's taken more than copyrighted PICTURES. If you take a look at the code behind his weather page: http://www.billygriffin.com/wxpage.htm (go to your browser's VIEW menu and choose "View Source") you'll find this little html comment:

I've site-sucked everything that still lives under billygriffin.com, so if it is modified or goes away now, it really doesn't matter.

Darren Addy
Kearney, NE[/b]

I showed Faidley that in the e-mail I sent to him. Seems that he's not too concerned over it though...
I think this guy has been dragged over the coals enough without everyone taking him to court. A big apology would be a good move for him right now. I guess the main question is why would he do something so dumb when he knows the chase community includes some relentless watch dogs (and a few cats). Ironically, if I remember right, he started a recent "attack" thread and went after other chasers - although I don't recall the specifics. What goes around comes around.

I need to say, that there is still continues slanderous and libelous stuff being posted on that guys guestbook about me and using my name and posting stuff like "your a dead man" and "I will get you!" that sort of stuff and it needs to stop.

I have absolutely NOTHING to do with any of that, although I have a pretty darn good idea who does. If anyone else here has anything to do with it, you need to grow up and go outside for a while.

I know you read this crap here you two and trying to make me out as one of FBI's Most Wanted is getting nowhere. The dude has enough problems with this image thing without you two interjecting yourselves into the situation. Get a freaking life for a change already! :roll:
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