What Are The Chances of Thundersnow in Northern NJ/NYC?

Except for my grammar...I think??? :) Believe it or not...so many people tell me that they saw lightning but heard no thunder or vice versa. A common misconception by some. It was my nice way of clarifying this for those readers who may not have known one must accompany the other (not Saul) . I'll go back to my corner now...
I didn't even notice your error LOL I was too busy trying to be a smart a**.

Doesn't look like you're getting much snow out of this one in Albany. I think the amount was two tenths last I checked at 7 eastern.

Yeah, Albany got the old screwball. We are on the extreme northern fringes of the storm and really haven't seen more than very fine light snow. Only about 0.2" of snowfall so far and it looks to be winding down. Oh well. I think I'll go tune in TWC or NY1 to see some video of real snowfall down in NYC.
My Mother, who lives in Levittown PA, awoke to thunder and lightning along w/ heavy snow around 4 a.m this morning.

(sigh) Wish I was there
I am looking at GFS forecast for next weekend 17th to 19th, is it just me or it could be a new big snowstorm in northeastern parts? Looks pretty similar to this event..