Weather Wiki

Angel, Wow, thats awesome of you to volunteer server space for this new wiki. I hope that many here will jump aboard to build up the largest event-based weather wiki on the net. Thanks again for jumpstarting this project!
Hi Jeffrey,

It's real fun for me to play with Linux, MySQL, PHP and the other tools. Let see how much resources will use this wiki. Spread the word about the new Wiki:)



I also will add the information about our bulgarian tornadoes:-)

Very generous of you to volunteer your time, Angel! It'll probably be a while before I can organize some content to submit, but I look forward to it. Thanks.
For this wiki to be usable and become well known, we will definitely have to setup standards, just like that of wikipedia. Not necessarily right down to every detail, but at least a pretty large set of structure standards to the articles so there is consistency between the events.
hi Paul and Scott

Thank you for your interest!

Please tell me how to organize the Wiki. Any ideas are welcome. I started to write down the events in YYYY.MM.DD style. If you don't like it, then we can change it to some other. The language will be only English, I added some bulgarian text, which I have from our bulgarian newspapers, so this is exception, not standard. If you have some information and don't have time to load it into the Wiki, just send it to me on mail and I will organize it. It will be really nice if we can make it more popular.

I did some work to the wiki over the past 24 hours. Made up a template for what a standard page should look like. Set up a few example categories we can use to link events together. Check it out - if the template has any obvious grammatical or spelling errors, go ahead and correct them. Any ideas for making the template better? throw them on the talk page so we can figure out how to make these articles short and too the point, yet useful.
I think we should talk about changing the name from "tornadowiki" to something like "Storm Event Wiki" or something similar... reflecting that it is not just about tornadoes, but more about characterizing days with severe weather.

Thanks for your contribution.

About the name, yes we can change it, I just prefer to keep it shorter.

the YYYY.MM.DD format should probably work, but most people more easily recognize the format of May 22, 2004. The wiki can recognize that. Also the format will be the title of the article.... a title of "May 22, 2004" might be more pleasing than "2004.05.22"
I think we should have more discussion on this.... i dont think it will matter a huge deal on the wiki side of things, more on the creation of pages and search for pages end. One thing is for sure, we must implement a set standard for that.

Well i'd like to be a contributor to get this project going, i find the idea very interesting. I especially like the ability to group events into different categories for looking at later.... such as "anti-cyclonic tornado" or "2004" so you can easily see events that fit those categories without having to look it up.

Mostly i'd like to contribute to the organization of the wiki, how to make it work and how to make it consistant. When i get my laptop back i'll try and make a logo up. I will try and also make up some "tags" so if someone thinks an article contains untrue info they can tag it as "doesnt have references" or "content under dispute" or "includes editorial content" or something like that, similar to wikipedia.

What ideas do we have for a name? If this ends up being a big thing like i want it to be and i hope it will be, we kinda will be stuck with whatever name we originally pick.... and i'm not a big fan of TornadoWiki.
StormWiki? SevereWiki? WikiStorm?

Angel if you want you can email me and it might be easier to keep in touch that way: slincoln at prairieinet dot net
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