Weather Map Painting Software

Tim! That is very impressive and I love it! I will agree with rdale that GEMPAK is an awesome thing to work with if you have a machine that can do it. But, with only being able to run windows, this frontpaint that Tim just came up with is an awesome program...

RE Case: GEMPAK is an older utility replaced by AWIPS II. I had the instructions for installing it on macOS and Linux if you ever want them. GEMPAK cannot run on Windows without a Linux VM. Getting data into it is an issue as well (although it still can be used for drawing maps).
Yes they are, but it is a pain in the butt to jump out of Windows and into Linux to run GEMPAK, get all the data, draw the maps, save them as images, jump back into Windows, check email, send email with thoughts and so forth.

I think that's why a standalone piece of software for Windows would be nice. Also GEMPAK does not like to 'import' pictures if you know what I mean hehe. So pulling maps off the net and drawing all over them becomes a problem.

Otherwise though, if I was going to sit down and really do something I would work entirely in Linux with GEMPAK until the session was over. I was just looking for some good software to use on the fly. Also, it would probably be cheaper than GEMPAK right? **There are free versions of GEMPAK but data sources are required**
This is done inside CAVE (AWIPS) these days, particularly inside PGEN. There is a source to get this. You would need CAVE D2D. The configuration is a bit 'tasky', but is do-able via the YouTube tutorial, which if you follow it verbatim, will get you up and running in about 30 minutes or so, give or take. Here's a screenshot of it. Pretty useful, especially if you have access to a good edex server. Hope this helps. I'm very familiar with AWIPS and it's use, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.


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