James Wilson
Outstanding thank you ... I take it it works with GPSGate?
Outstanding thank you ... I take it it works with GPSGate?
That's a bug in GRL3 that Mike is aware of, but I'm not sure he's fixed yet.
I am using the U-Blox GNSS Location Sensor. I downloaded the drivers from the manufacturers website and the device works in windows with the software provided as well as in Google Earth.What brand and model of GPS puck are you using? I’m just wondering if the correct drivers are installed but that’s only a hunch.
I’ve spent the last two plus hours looking at the U-Blox website and everything I saw there looks like a module that would go into a GPS unit. Kind of similar to a memory module or M2 SSD when you upgrade your PC or laptop. It looks to me like they’re an OEM supplier that sells the location modules to others who’d build the final product (i.e. a GPS puck). From some of the support questions I reviewed others have had the same issues you’ve had and it sounds like the modules create virtual COM ports in Device Manager that you can connect to. It also sounds like you need their software in order to use an NMEA-0183 signal rather than their GNSS. It seems to me that introducing GPSGate into the equation might be problematic because you’d be creating virtual COM ports from virtual COM ports.
If someone else is using this brand please chime in. Otherwise, I’m tempted to say punt that thing and get a US Global Sat and rid yourself of this brain damage.