Tornado Pursuit: The Hunt in Tornado Alley 2014 Web Series

I watched Episode # 1 just moments ago this evening. I really enjoyed it! You guys all seem like righteous dudes, and come across as such quite readily as you interact with each other. A really nice touch was your choice of music, especially where you worked in the acoustic guitar here and there. Normally I'm much happier with heavily-electrified guitar work, but the acoustic seemed "just right" where you laid it in. Also, there was a welcome lack of screaming, yelling and foolish stunts....which separates your vid from many of your competitor's works in recent years. All-in-all you guys get the thumbs up from me....for whatever that is worth! I'll look forward to someday crossing paths with you, or perhaps my chase partner Doren Berge and I can send a few brews your direction if we all end up at some steakhouse in the alley after a successful chase! Best of luck in '15.
Here is the cover Photo for Episode 4 of Tornado Pursuit: Needle in a Hay Stack. Still working on production, but hope to release in the next few days.

I've been very busy lately so I had no time to watch your episodes until today. But now that I watched them, I can say you did a great job! Nice to see some footage of 2014 as we were in France for that season. Especially the May 11th chase that I remember following on live streaming feeds at the time.

That was very interesting overall and I see what you took inspiration from ;) Narration was very clear too!
Now, to be perfectly honest, I found that the two first episodes lacked a bit of tempo. Some segments would have deserve a shorter and faster cut or a better use of music / video sync in my humble opinion. But I know it's not easy when you're not used to edit a lot of things. And easy for me to say considering this is my job! I hope you don't take it the wrong way as this is just a friendly advice. Third episode was more captivating anyway!
Keep 'em coming now! :)
I've been very busy lately so I had no time to watch your episodes until today. But now that I watched them, I can say you did a great job! Nice to see some footage of 2014 as we were in France for that season. Especially the May 11th chase that I remember following on live streaming feeds at the time.

That was very interesting overall and I see what you took inspiration from ;) Narration was very clear too!
Now, to be perfectly honest, I found that the two first episodes lacked a bit of tempo. Some segments would have deserve a shorter and faster cut or a better use of music / video sync in my humble opinion. But I know it's not easy when you're not used to edit a lot of things. And easy for me to say considering this is my job! I hope you don't take it the wrong way as this is just a friendly advice. Third episode was more captivating anyway!
Keep 'em coming now! :)

Thanks Christophe, I was hoping to see what you thought. Yes I was inspired from your series, as it is fantastic, and hoped to do something similar. Thanks again for you help and advice when we were considering this early on. Also thanks for your feedback. I will admit that tempo is a struggle and it seems I want to try to use as much shots as possible, but working on how to transition between cuts. With a limited knowledge in video editing it has been a "learn as I go" experience. Music and video sync has been a challenge as well, but have tried to learn from your series as you seem to do it perfectly. Thanks again and looking forward to your future feedback.

Also episode 4 is out. We ended up reusing music from previous episodes as I had a ton of study to do, which kinda creates a theme i guess.

For those interested, Episode 5 of Tornado Pursuit is now up. Sorry for the delay, the last few months here have been crazy busy but we are working hard to catch up. There are at least 3 more episodes to come. Let me know what you think.

well after along pause in the production due to my school work and my editing partner's new job, we are back and ready to release episode 6 tomorrow. Here is the cover photo of Episode 6which highlights 6/1 and 6/4 chase days. Episode 7 should arrive a few weeks after which features 6/5, 6/13, & 6/14. In February Episode 8 will arrive which will likely be they highlight of the series with a full episode dedicate to the pilger tornadoes.
