Severe Hazards Analysis and Verification Experiment (SHAVE 2007)

Jun 9, 2004
For anyone who remembers last summer, the National Severe Storms Laboratory conducted the Severe Hail Verification Experiment (SHAVE) from mid-May through early August. Following the success of that experiment, NSSL has expanded the project to include the verification of tornadoes and wind. This year's SHAVE is the Severe Hazards Analysis and Verification Experiment. The experiment's main goal is to provide verification support to the multipurpose phased array radar for storms that occur in C OK. The experiment, like last year, will also conduct remote verification for storms located in the CONUS.


This year, we have added a live feed for public viewing (last year didn't do so well in that area)

For those who like the WDSS-II products in Google Earth, you can create a network link for the SHAVE reports. Just aim the network link at This is probably the best way for a semi-real time feed of the data in graphical format (the Google Maps way has an issue of updating--it eventually does though--due to caching of kmls on Google's servers; further embedded Google Maps also limits the size of the kml being read, from what I can tell).

Some of our stuff is still a work in progress and I will let everyone know of any updates (on the reports page currently, city, county, state information is not displayed...this changes on May 22 with implementation of new software). Any questions, comments, criticisms---don't be afraid :D

SHAVE '06 publications
Overview Presentation at SLS 06
First try at analysis
After a couple days to make sure it works...SHAVE data will also be available through an archive. The archive will spit out a kml for your Google Earth/Maps viewing pleasure. The archive features search by day, report type, CWA and state. More features as requested

SHAVE Archive
I have corrected errors that I just found (ooops) on the SHAVE archive. Also, we have put our 2006 data (when SHAVE was the Severe HAil Verification Experiment) online.

Through yesterday, between the two projects, we've had 118 days of operation and 9791 data points

Link to the SHAVE Archive
SHAVE is operational again for 2008! For those who have followed along, please update any links from 'shave07' in the URL to 'shave'. Also, I had to basically take down the archive due to instructions from those with higher pay :(

This year we've added flash flooding to our verification efforts. For more info and our data in real-time see the links below:

SHAVE 06/07 made about 28,000 calls collecting 10,808 reports. Our largest hail stone was an estimated 5" and the largest measured was 4.1". We also helped verify the Dante,SD, storm on Aug 21, 2007, which produced a 6 7/8" hail stone (this wasn't from official operations, but we used our capabilities to verify it).
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SHAVE has concluded this year! We had an incredibly successful year, collecting 10,835 data points from 33,650 phone calls. We also surveyed 14 tornadoes within the phased array radar range in Central Oklahoma. I think that this is the last year we're going to run the project as we have (since we've collected 17,520 hail reports). While we don't know about funding yet for next year, if we do get it, we'll probably shift our focus to wind and flash flooding--which so far has proved incredible difficult to remotely verify.

Days of operation: 65
Total data points: 10835
Hail data points: 7160
Wind data points: 858
Flood data points: 2817
Questionable time: 7280
'No wind' reports: 297
'No flood' reports: 1900
'No hail' reports: 2859
Non-svr hail reports: 1847
Svr hail reports: 2311
Sig hail reports: 186
Measured hail reports: 150

SUMMARY FOR: 2006-2008
Days of operation: 196
Phone calls: 61656
Total data points: 21637
Hail data points: 17520
Wind data points: 1300
Flood data points: 2817
Questionable time: 9654
'No wind' reports: 515
'No flood' reports: 1900
'No hail' reports: 6677
Non-svr hail reports: 4768
Svr hail reports: 5391
Sig hail reports: 386
Measured hail reports: 248