Season over?

Apr 1, 2010
Kansas City Area
Would people consider the season "over"? As in are we on the downhill of strong storms? Its been sorta "quite" and I'm starting to think that this year will be like last, quite and not much going on, at least in my area.

I'm new to this but I'm looking at the patterns and its looking like we are on the down hill side. Am I right, wrong?
I know the season has been delayed but from what Im reading, the most of the storms this year will be in the SE states. Is Missouri expected to get anything? I know its impossible to say or predict. I just dont want to drive 10 hours to see anything
Given that we just experienced the most active event of the season it would certainly be hard to say the season is over. Are we in for a prolonged period of inactivity? Possibly. But as history has proven, long range models are very unreliable and we are only in mid may. June can still be a very active month across the central/northern plains. I wouldn't pack up the equipment just yet.
The year is just beginning. There is no way to tell if the rest of the year is going to be "quiet".

In other words, there is no way to tell if you are right or wrong... yet. :)
So now we have a Long Term thread, a Death Ridge thread, and a Season Over thread. Is that all really necessary?

No, the season's not over. This Monday may have been the last big outbreak, but even that's not a certainty. Give it a few weeks. There will be more chases.
Easy now. Don't look at a few models that show a slow next couple of weeks and assume the rest of the season is down the drain. Looking at "patterns", you see that June can be a really busy year (look at last year).

This graphic really stands out to me that you just never know when exactly "tornado season" begins and ends...
All I know is this kind of pattern gave Colorado one of it's most stormy Junes I can think of. So if it the weather patterns have to be this way, I am happy. But this year has been cold and I think that June may be more active than past Junes for most plains areas.
I'm afraid it is indeed over. Heads said so. Re-plan vacation activities now.
Brian, dont let this season discourage you from the hobby. Ive been at this since 2001 and saw my first tornadoes in a fairly down year (2002). Just something we have to stick through. In the meantime, as Tim Marshall once said "Learn all you can." There are plenty of resources out there that most of us could and would recommend if you dont already have them. Do you have a meteorology background, have you been studying up on it?
Just pencil in the gas money saved in a slow season. Something that will help upgrade equipment for the good years to come yet. Who knows this may end up being a good year yet. End of May may come and we might be looking at a week of chase days. As we have all seen models can change overnight. I just hope that when those times come back, we don t get a thread started. Are you exhausted from chasing? All I do is look at 6/17 of last year by Aurora and the hail bomb in Missouri that happend the previous week. After a slow season in May, that Aurora tornado put a nice end to it. That tornado will be a reminder for me to not store my stuff away until the end of June.
Well so far for central/southern texas I have to ask WHAT SEASON? It has all been northwest or northeast. In fact it is getting downright demoralizing. Usually the season starts south and moves north, but that never happened.