Non-java metar maps (dense and large size)

Jan 14, 2011
St. Louis
Does anyone know of a web source for a large map of surface (metar) data
that is non-java/flash? I have for years been using a rather mishmashed
'mosaic' I made using the NOAA ADDS maps:

However, the ADDs site has changed the appearance of the maps (adding
borders) that hoses the mosaic, as you can see there. I could re-do this
with CSS/HTML, but don't want to re-invent the wheel if something else is
already out there.

I like the large map because it makes it easy to get a 'big picture' of
surface data at a single glance on one page. I use it many times daily.

EDIT: Scott Kampas forwarded this URL via WX-CHASE that is exactly what I was looking for:
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I'm not sure Dan if this one fits your criteria, but from the main SPC webpage you can click on "Mesoanalysis". This will take you to a new page where you can select different sectors of the CONUS or the whole CONUS if you so choose. I'm sure you know all of this already, if so just disregard, but I guess I'm trying to help.

I clicked on the link for "National" which brings up a nice sized surface obs map of the CONUS. Once there go all the way to the left under "Observations" and click the second option down "Printable Surface Map PDF". I noticed in the print options you can actually select a poster size option, which would yield an 11" by 17" surface map versus the standard option of 8 1/2" by 11". Hopefully one more option to add to your toolbox.
I've updated my surface observations mosaic page for anyone interested. This is a large map of the central and eastern US with a dense display of surface obs, made using individual GIFs from NOAA ADDS overlaid on top of one another. I made this because I wanted a large, dense map of obs in one place without having to click back and forth to regional maps (or to have to zoom in and out of a large map in a slow-loading java applet).