Next Week Looking Better?

Mar 16, 2004
Wichita Falls, Texas
The 12z model's are starting to come into better agreement on systems next week. They are now advertising a trough over the plains. The GFS and GEM both show this. I'm sure the EURO will too. It looks like from Tuesday through probably next weekend will be decent. Although there's no big sfc systems yet, that could change. Could be some decent stuff. Hopefully, high pressure drifting toward the Gulf will not choke off td's. Right now, western Texas could be the spot with upslope flow and perhaps a stalled boundry....
Thanks for that update.... I was considering (still) a run to anything DECENT...since Im getting tired of looking and waiting, all while May has slipped by me, perhaps it is time to finally commit to something (even if its not great it only needs to be good).
Its a BIG trip from CA and with flights, rental car, and hotel rooms - Im lookin at a few buckaroonies.

BIG QUESTION where would all of you fly into mid week?
Kansas City , OKC, Denver or Dallas?
BIG QUESTION where would all of you fly into mid week?
Kansas City , OKC, Denver or Dallas?

If I were you, I'd start out in Oklahoma City or Dallas. It looks to me that the first action of the week will begin near Lubbock on Tuesday, and then perhaps shift to southern Oklahoma/northern Texas by Wednesday.

That's the way it looks will change, but that seems to be the best bet now, considering the active southern stream.

After that, a very nice system is progged for the late week in the central and northern plains. So, it looks like a fair amount of driving will be in order for those wishing to catch all events. (If you're coming in on Wednesday or Thursday, you may want to try KC).

Bill Mudd wrote:
BIG QUESTION where would all of you fly into mid week?
Kansas City , OKC, Denver or Dallas?
I would fly into OKC. It gives you the easiest access (in my opinion) north, south, east, or west. Although it does look like W.TX will be the area to watch early in the week, but as we all know that can very easily change.