*New Users. Meet and Greet Area*

Hi all! Nik here, from Bloomington, IN (roughly 50 miles southeast of Indianapolis and the home of Indiana University).

I'm a weather enthusiast who mostly likes to keep an eye on local/regional radar to see what's going to happen around me within the next hour or so. Lately, however, I've been trying to increase both my general and severe storm forecasting knowledge. While I have no plans to chase big storms at this time, I have completed SKYWARN spotter training so I can help keep my family, friends, colleagues, and community safe.

I took one meteorology class back in college, and have been learning a lot more about forecasting in my free time from various online resources. I won't lie, I'm sort of overwhelmed right now, but like many things I dive into, it starts to click after a few weeks of perseverance!
You're being modest about your grandfather. He helped come up with watch-warning system still used today: Not-So-Famous Firsts: Tornado Edition
That is a really cool article. Thanks! He passed away about 15 or so years ago, and I miss talking about meteorology with him. After he retired from the TV station, he saw my interest in meteorology, and gave me several meteorology text books that were and still are far too technical for me to understand, but it was still great to look through them. He also relentlessly made fun of the movie "Twister", but loved watching storm chaser documentary videos as they started increasing in popularity.

He also got me hooked on the 15 minute PBS show called "AM Weather" with Carl Weiss, Joan Von Ahn, and someone else I dont remember. I got up early before school just to watch that. Looking back, I loved how they used the "old school" weather symbols, and my grandfather was very much old school without the fluff as well, which I appreciate now looking back on it.

He would have absolutely loved this website. Especially, the Target Area forum.
I'm sorry your grandfather passed away, even if it's been several years.

Yes! I watched AM Weather every day before school. Before the Weather Channel, we had AM Weather with the true wooden pointers. I think some episodes are up on You Tube. Those were the days.
I'm sorry your grandfather passed away, even if it's been several years.

Yes! I watched AM Weather every day before school. Before the Weather Channel, we had AM Weather with the true wooden pointers. I think some episodes are up on You Tube. Those were the days.
It was a freak accident really. He was riding his bike, and a dog knocked him off his bike, and he struck his head on the curb. Bad deal all around.

Regarding the Weather Channel: I was told that John Coleman initially approached Conrad about starting the Weather Channel, but that Conrad declined, and Mr Coleman looked elsewhere. I wasnt aware of this when Conrad was alive so I never got to ask him about it. Id be curious to know if anyone could confirm that?
Hi all, i hope im not lost here. I'm jerome from the Philippines (yes, that's no where near the US) and would love to learn much about storm chasing since we are now in the monsoon season and my job enables me to literally assess situation on the ground immediately after (even before) impact of a strong typhoon. Thus learning more about documenting a given storm as well as predicting its impact would be some skills i would like to acquire. I'm open to suggestions as to what resource materials available here should i consider. Thanks much
Hello Everybody. My name is Jaynell, I live in Oklahoma. I have been Storm Spotting and Chasing since my Sophomore year in High School (late 80's). I love everything about the weather. I am married and have 4 human kids, and 7 four legged kids. My oldest twin daughter is Autistic and she is a Storm Spotter. She helps me out alot when taking videos,photographs or even traveling with maps and gps. I also am a Learning Coach for my youngest daughter. My Autistic daughter and I have been in two tornadoes together. I look forward to talking and hopefully meeting you all someday.
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My name is Lisa Anderson. I am currently one of the commanding officers of Ohio Storm Spotters team O.S.S. With that team I am known as Battalian Chief 2. I am storm spotter, storm chaser, and also a Radar Tech. I have over 40 certifications in various fields and I have been a storm spotter as well as a storm chaser for several years now. When I am not assisting the team I work for a company that develops Kevlar for the U.S. government and law enforcement officers. I also foster kittens and rehabilitate certain wildlife.
I’m Travis Mcmillan. Chaser by day, nurse by night. Live in Southeastern, Colorado. Went on my first chasecation 5 yrs ago with a fellow nurse/weather enthusiast. Lucked out and saw a tornado 5 hrs into the trip near Canadian, TX and a UFO like supercell near Rapid City. So much to learn. Every season has been different. While following storms have met interesting folks and seen beautiful country I would never have seen otherwise.
Hi all , I’m kurt
I am from the south of the uk ,
I’ve been interested in severe weather for as long as I can remember, I chased in tornado alley for the first time in 2018 , for three weeks, and managed to chase this year 2019 for six weeks, I am a member of spotter network and storm track, and looking to many more chasing in the future.
Hey guys I'm Jimmy McBride. I've been interested in weather for most of my life, and have been trying to get into chasing for the last couple of years. I finally have the time and the money to do it. I have played with radarscope quite a bit and have a general understanding of it hopefully some of your discussion boards will help with more
Hello everyone , I am S Spurgeon alias Starhound the astronomer dude, I photograph only deep space objects.I have been interested in meteorology for many years and do spotting and a little chasing as well in my metro east St Louis area. I am located near Alton ,Illinois.
I have been wanting to install a radio and antenna in my Jeep Wrangler, I need all info and I am sure all info is here, please jump in and advise , and many thanks for that.
Hello all! My name is Ken and I'm from southeastern Illinois along the Indiana border. I've enjoyed observing severe weather my whole life, thanks in part to my dad's interest. He and I (KA9PHI) are both Ham radio operators and participated in the local weather net back when there still was one. I'm a retired police officer. I've never done any storm chasing, but I think it's something I would enjoy learning to safely do.
Hi everyone. Just joined after discovering this site yesterday. I have been a weather fanatic ever since I can remember. It was something that we did as a family - watch all the weather forecasts on the news, head outside during blizzards, and watch with excitement when a hurricane would be coming up the Atlantic. I even created a weather forcasting program when I was about 15 or 16 using a Texas Instruments TI-99 and IBM PC jr.

I always gravitated toward severe weather. As a photographer I've always tried to capture storms, but it wasn't until I got into time lapse photography about 11 years ago, that I really started capturing storms the way I had always dreamed of doing. A few years ago I started to go on storm chasing trips, and for the past couple of years I have lead photography storm chasing trips - letting the storm chasing experts do all the hard work - while myself and my workshop participants captured the magic.

I've already learned a lot just int he day that I've been reading the forum and look forward to see where all this new found education takes me. :)