New "Nature / Science" Area?

Use a new "Science / Nature" thread?

  • Yes - Use a new "Science / Nature" thread

    Votes: 21 36.2%
  • No - Keep the "Bar and Grill" as it is

    Votes: 37 63.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Jun 12, 2004
Sunrise, Florida
Good day all,

I figured I'd toss this one out there just for a thought. I see many - MANY posts, usually during the off season, in the "Bar and Grill" area about science and / or nature stuff.

For example, I see a lot of discussion about earthquakes, volcanoes, meteorites, nature trips (thanks, GK!), and such.

Maybe we might consider having a separate area, lightly moderated (abiding by all ST rules ofcourse), and available for such interesting posts?

Just a thought, what do you think?
I really like the idea of having a separate Nature/Science area. While this does not directly pertain to the basic concept of "storms" on ST, it is a general area that many of us are interested in besides the weather in particular during the off season.

It would also give the non-member lurkers an opportunity to be made aware of these events and discussions.
"Nature/Science" Needs Definition?

Yes, I would like to see a "Nature/Science" area. But we need to define what areas are covered in "Nature/Science". Non-weather topics such as northern lights, meteoroid showers, butterfly migrations could be useful topics.

I found myself looking for a useful area when I wanted to post a thread on the Mayon volcano in the Philippines that's currently erupting. Only place I could put it is in the "Bar & Grill" area. :mad:

We need to define the topics that can be covered in this new area. Thanks for putting it up for consideration!! :D
I voted "no" simply because this is a storm chasing board. Anything related to chasing has its own area, everything else goes into B&G.

If anything make it a sub-forum within B&G, not on the main Stormtrack forum.
I wouldn't mind having a separate area to civilly discuss serious scientific conversations.... unfortunately that is hard on here but I still voted yes.

DISCLAIMER: Darma not intended and yes i was being facetious.
Have not voted yet, can't decide based on the total arguments made so far. While I like Chris C's idea, especially since I tend to be a person that likes to organize things into proper sections and divisions (why I voted to keep the current division of Reports, and post discussions threads separate).

However, Scott W. is right about the site being about chasing, and to some degree I wonder if the dilution of other topics is part of the issue of non-chasers finding interest here on ST and taking away from the core discussions.

There is also the argument about community. I find many times I often come to ST for discussion on topics because I find the overall group one of the better civilized of all the internet forums. So in that regard it would be nice to have open discussion with everyone here about nature and science and have a sub area to bring up those topics.

I guess I need to see more arguments to make a decision.
I voted "no" simply because this is a storm chasing board. Anything related to chasing has its own area, everything else goes into B&G.

If anything make it a sub-forum within B&G, not on the main Stormtrack forum.

I agree with this 100%. I voted no also.
I voted "no."

Both arguments are good, but... The way I see it, ST is more dedicated to chasing weather phenomenon. I say "weather phenomenon" because most of us are no longer just interested in thunderstorms and tornadoes, but any sort of extreme weather (hurricanes, blizzards, etc).

IMO, it would be like having a "storm chasing" section on an astronomy forum. Typically, most forums would just file that type of discussion under "other," or in this case, "Bar & Grill."
Eh, as a guy who has ran web communities for many years now, diluting forums when they don't need to be always dilutes the community in many ways. You don't want to split forums up too much...especially on content not relating to the site's main mission. Just my .02 :D
We had a similar discussion for a photography area and people were against that idea for the same reasons they are against this idea. I think to many forums can turn this site into more than storm chasing. I would say no unless it is a sub forum. Tim is very busy so I don't see this ever happening.

PS. I hope a new logo is picked sometime in the future.
Thanks guys,

Just figured I'd toss this idea up. The B & G is fine as it is, but I was curious about how people felt on the "sub" forum.

By the way, I think the changes Tim did helped ST alot a couple months ago.