Designing a new "Target Area" - we want your input!

How would you like to see "Target Area" structured?

  • One thread per day -- all posts will go into a single thread

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Two "types" per day -- "Before and during" and "After"

    Votes: 43 58.1%
  • Three "types" per day -- "Before and during", "After", and "Reports"

    Votes: 20 27.0%
  • Four "types" per day -- "Before", "During", "After", and "Reports" (chase reports), and "After"

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • No thread "types"

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Other (comment please!)

    Votes: 2 2.7%

  • Total voters
I also agree with the FCST/NOW thread and REPORTS separately. I also think any subsequent discussion (MISC) about the details of an event like there was for El Reno should be a totally different thread outside of the Target Area. It could have its own section maybe for analysis purposes, but I think it needs to stay apart from Target area threads.
I'd be cool with a two thread model if it was an EVENT thread like Adam suggested combining FCST/NOW/MISC and then a separate REPORTS thread. I think the flow of the event will naturally allow for a smooth transition between FCST, NOW, and MISC as the event shifts from forecasting, live updates, and then post event discussion, damage surveys, and third party reports.

I say we have separate forums for each, then we don't even need a thread suffix. We could just have a Forecast/Nowcast/Misc Events Forum and each thread title would simply be the date and location. Then we'd have a separate First Hand Chase Accounts Forum, again with just the date and location as the title.

What I don't like about this is that I think one of these threads should allow for posts like:

Live chase chatter that is not a nowcast:
Sitting here Grand Island, and grabbing some lunch at Subway if anyone wants to join us. Looks like a big event. Things are really heating up and I think we'll have storms soon.

Before the event chatter that is not a forecast:
Wow, this looks like it could be the first significant tornado event of the year. Models are all over the map, and there's lots of time yet for things to change. It'll definitely be interesting to see what happens though. Not sure if we're chasing yet, as I'll have to request off work and I want to see more agreement from the models first.

We used to see a LOT of those posts and depending on how strict the moderators are on that day, you could actually get an infraction for posting one of the above posts in the Target Area as both posts are essentially devoid of any real forecasting content. I think that's too strict, and cracking down on these posts probably stifled Target Area posting and significantly contributed to the exodus from Stormtrack. All chase chatter and event buzz is now on Facebook.

However, I still think these posts do not belong in a Forecast or Nowcast thread. I don't want to see posts like this cluttering up the ones that do make a real effort to provide quality forecasting content. Let's have a thread that catches all the noise, chase chatter, and comments.
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Although I see two is leading in the poll, I think we need three. One for forecasts and nowcasts, one for reports, and one for after-the-event discussion. Definitely need to keep reports separate from other after-the-event discussion. And don't call any of them MISC - always thought that label was rather confusing and useless.
I liked having two separate threads - FCST/NOW/DISC, whatever you want to call it - the meteorological discussion of the event. And then the "I personally chased the event and here's what I saw" thread.

I had issues at times after an event remembering a post that someone had made that I wanted to go back to for whatever reason, but then not remembering which of the four different threads from that date it was in. I'd just like to think, "hey there was a really cool map posted in the thread from that day" and just be able to track down the one discussion thread regarding it.

I might be a big whiner, but once an event gets underway it was kind of annoying to have to bounce back and forth between NOW and FCST - there are nowcast and real-time data snippets that are still relevant to the overall forecast picture and I don't think the two should be segregated. If we *had* to have a separate thread for post-discussion of an event then so be it, but I still don't see why it couldn't be tacked onto the end of the main event thread. Then you've got forecast leading up to, real-time discussion, and then post-event discussion all in one place. And then a separate thread for those who were there (again, banning "Hey man, cool photo!" posts from reports threads).
I'd be cool with a two thread model if it was an EVENT thread like Adam suggested combining FCST/NOW/MISC and then a separate REPORTS thread. I think the flow of the event will naturally allow for a smooth transition between FCST, NOW, and MISC as the event shifts from forecasting, live updates, and then post event discussion, damage surveys, and third party reports.

I say we have separate forums for each, then we don't even need a thread suffix. We could just have a Forecast/Nowcast/Misc Events Forum and each thread title would simply be the date and location. Then we'd have a separate First Hand Chase Accounts Forum, again with just the date and location as the title.

What I don't like about this is that I think one of these threads should allow for posts like:

Live chase chatter that is not a nowcast:

Before the event chatter that is not a forecast:

We used to see a LOT of those posts and depending on how strict the moderators are on that day, you could actually get an infraction for posting one of the above posts in the Target Area as both posts are essentially devoid of any real forecasting content. I think that's too strict, and cracking down on these posts probably stifled Target Area posting and significantly contributed to the exodus from Stormtrack. All chase chatter and event buzz is now on Facebook.

However, I still think these posts do not belong in a Forecast or Nowcast thread. I don't want to see posts like this cluttering up the ones that do make a real effort to provide quality forecasting content. Let's have a thread that catches all the noise, chase chatter, and comments.


I agree with a lot of what you say here. Specifically regarding chatter/buzz. I, personally, had commentary about upcoming chase days. It was not about my personal forecast, it was more a commentary on or questions about other people's forecasts and/or parameters. I still have those private messages from moderators where I was given 'infractions' for it and had my posts removed. It still makes me cross-eyed to this day. And yes, it absolutely 100% is a major reason why I just basically stopped coming here for long stretches.

There are multiple ways to divide the posts. Most people (and the poll itself) seems to be attempting to divide posts by content. Detailed forecast/nowcast parameters in one thread or subforum, chat in another, reports in another. But to me, the major divider is basically "what day is it?" 7-10 days before the chase there is talk (mostly forecast/model discussion). On the day of the chase there is talk. In the days after the chase there is talk. But dividing things up that way might be as complicated as the current system, so...

So I can definitely see two threads, with a caveat

Thread 1 - forecast/nowcast/misc/anything that doesn't involve a 'report.' Let it all in. If someone wants to say "THIS DAY IS GOING TO BE AWESOME I CAN FEEL IT" then let that post stay. No infractions, don't be stupid. Some people want to be super-serious and talk about nothing but model algorithms, great. Some people are just enthusiastic, also great. As long as someone doesn't break any other normal forum rules, let it all in.

Thread 2 - reports. Same rules apply. Some people post pics and radar scans, other people comment on them. Let it all in.

That's my many pesos. I guess I should vote now...
I think it would be great to see more of the live MISC type chatter in the FCST/NOW thread. And--if necessary--after the event allow those things that are only expressions and don't really add to the discussion to be parsed and removed--without demerits.

Also: will we be able to post images directly to the forum, or will it still be necessary to host them elsewhere and link them to ST?
One of the things I'd like to suggest in regards to a FCST thread is the idea of a "beginners FCST" thread (or some similar verbage) for a chase day, for those of us who do our own forecasting and maybe even feel confident of what we're thinking but are afraid to post to a FCST thread because of lack of experience or education. I'd rather post my thoughts there and have constructive discussion/feedback for learning, than to have my post deleted and an infraction given for violating FCST parameters.
I voted for two threads but after further thought I like Skip’s idea of separate forums with one dedicated strictly for reports. I’m strongly in favor of reports being strictly reports (100% first-hand chase accounts) and prefer a rule not allowing any additional commentary, if someone wants to reply or comment on a report they could copy/paste and reply in the NOW/MISC. If someone violates the rule I think that instead of some heavy-handed recourse the moderators can move the violating post to the appropriate thread with a “moved from reportsâ€￾ comment attached and then members can vote their displeasure with the new thumbs down feature. This type of negative reinforcement from the community should help to keep the REPORTS section clean and minimize the work of moderators in keeping it that way. I also prefer FCST being a separate thread from NOW/MISC but that’s not as important to me as separate REPORTS.