Designing a new "Target Area" - we want your input!

How would you like to see "Target Area" structured?

  • One thread per day -- all posts will go into a single thread

    Votes: 5 6.8%
  • Two "types" per day -- "Before and during" and "After"

    Votes: 43 58.1%
  • Three "types" per day -- "Before and during", "After", and "Reports"

    Votes: 20 27.0%
  • Four "types" per day -- "Before", "During", "After", and "Reports" (chase reports), and "After"

    Votes: 3 4.1%
  • No thread "types"

    Votes: 1 1.4%
  • Other (comment please!)

    Votes: 2 2.7%

  • Total voters
Dec 9, 2003
As we continue to work on the new Stormtrack (Stormtrack 2.0? 3.0?), we want to get input from valuable Stormtrack members to help maximize the enjoyment members get from the site. Over the past 10 years, Stormtrack has had a varying structure to the "Target Area" forum -- we've had separate subforums for different time frames (think pre-, during-, and post-event), and we've had a single forum with four different "types" of threads. We've had loose moderation and we've have strict moderation.

What do *YOU* want in the new Target Area? How can we design the TA so it's organized, has high signal-to-noise ratio, and is welcoming/encouraging? We'd like to find a solid middle ground in terms of moderation and complexity of the rules (which can help keep discussion organized but can also be intimidating and confusing). As such, I've put up some options for the new TA. Please select which option you like best, and let us know what we can do to make ST a useful tool for the community. I know there are a few posts in a similar thread started last fall, but I'm soliciting specific opinions and comments now. After all, I think many of us would like to see Stormtrack thrive again, and we need your help to get it there (by both helping to set the rules and by participating when we get the new site up and running)!

Poll Options -- Expanded:
1. One thread per day. Such a thread will contain all forecasts, nowcasts, discussion of ongoing weather, during-the-chase observations, post-event discussion, and first-hand chase reports.
2. Two thread "types" per day. One thread will contain all forecasts, nowcasts, discussion of ongoing weather, and during-the-chase observations. A second thread will contain post-event discussion (damage survey discussion, comments on why an event unfolded as it did, etc.) as well as chase reports.
3. Three thread "types" per day. This is similar to option 2, except first-hand chase reports will go into a dedicate thread (think "REPORTS"). This is pretty similar to the FCST, TALK, and REPORTS types we've used in the past.
4. Four thread "types" per day. One thread will contain all forecasts. A second thread will contain nowcasts (or discussion of the environment/event/strategies after a watch has been issued). A third thread will contain post-event discussion, and a fourth will contain first-hand chase reports. This is similar to the FCST, NOW, REPORTS, and DISC type we've had in the past.
5. No thread "types". This means TA will be a bit more free-wheelin', but one won't need to worry about confusion regarding where to post.
6. Other ideas!

I can make valid arguments for and against each of the above. Increasing the number of types can help organize the discussion (e.g., it's easy to go back and review forecasts for an event by searching for the "05/12/2004 FCST" thread), but it can also lead to confusion since it's not always clear to occasional visitors which thread is appropriate for a given comment (which tends to reduce posting activity).
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Personally, I like the simplicity of one thread per day. No threads to have to look through, no special rules to look at, and no confusion. Just everything right there in one place.
I'm a big proponent of three threads per day. Although traffic on the site currently doesn't warrant stringent Target Area rules and dividing events into three threads, I really enjoy having concise threads that are on topic with no noise. If traffic picks up here this spring, we're going to need this organization or posts will get lost in the fray and users may not be motivated to contribute their forecasts and chase reports.

I like being able to visit one thread and have nothing but forecast/nowcast discussion, and I like being able to read all reports in one place, without having to sift through a dozen miscellaneous posts about media coverage, damage reports, or radar grabs, or comments and questions. Even if the threads are relatively quiet, just a post or two per thread, I find it most helpful and informative when I can instantly see who chased what event and what they got, rather than sifting through dozens of other posts in the process. Or get all of the meat of the forecast discussion without a lot of chatter.

Forecast/Nowcast threads need to be named such that there isn't confusion that these threads are intended for both. That's how we currently have it setup and I think it makes the most sense, but folks still aren't quite sure where their NOW posts are supposed to go.

Reports threads should be first hand chase accounts only. Who chased and what did they get?

Everything else can go in Talk. Comments, questions, third party reports, whatever as long as it pertains to the event. Relax enforcement of the rules such that any posts that are placed incorrectly are simply shuffled off to Talk, or if they're completely off topic and unnecessary, they're removed without any further elaboration or notification.
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Personally, all I really read are first-hand chase reports. Like Skip, I want to see who got what and where, without having to sift through a ton of now/forecast/post discussion type stuff. I'd almost be willing to vote for the "one thread a day" option because I wouldn't have to search out DATES for chase reports....but still, having to sift through all sub-topics looking for one specific thing would probably be a pain when things get busy.
This probably sounds stupid, but if we made one thread per day, maybe the poster could delineate their posts FCST, NOW, or CHASE REPORTS with the text color of their posts.

Example.......FCST posts are red
NOWCAST posts are green
REPORT posts are blue

Maybe separate threads will be better, it's tough to say really.
I voted 2 threads per day. Forecast and nowcast in one thread, and reports in the other. The reports aspect deserves its own thread because, like Shane, I like to see who got what and where. Even if that's just a link to someone's personal page, I still enjoy looking at them. I think the forecast and nowcast discussions should be fine in one thread. This keeps the clutter lower. I hate having to sift through a bunch of threads weeks out and finding the one I need.
I think two types is probably the best way to go. None of these options is perfect, and there are cons associated with having two types, but that's just what I picked.
I voted "other"

I think the most important thing is to keep the REPORTS their own thread. I like reading through those.

Before/during/after Can all be one thread I think. Sort of like merging the FCST and DISC threads. Regardless of how that ends up getting structured i think most of us will agree that the REPORTS needs to be its own entity. I would even support having it be its own complete section away from Target Area.
I like the idea of merging the forecast/now threads, but keeping reports separate. The reality is that the threads for FCST and NOW could sometimes overlap or be out of synch. Combining them makes sense. Also: I like the reports section being pure for summs. But I definitely love seeing how people think about and forecast their plans.
Count me in as Reports being separate and everything else in another thread. So 2 threads but it doesn't fit the option on there.

Would really like to see a Reports forum where you can only post an actual first hand report in the thread for each day.
I personally like 3, as the before forecasting discussion and after write-ups are interesting to me. The "during" discussions in the past get very noisy IMO, to the point they were not of value to me. However, I voted for 2 as it keeps it a lot easier to manage from a user (and as an admin I presume) perspective. I can deal with the before and during in a single thread but the after should be a stand alone for first hand accounts only IMO.
I'd have to say two threads would suffice. Forecast threads will gradually lead up to the morning of the event, just prior and into nowcasting smoothly. Then a second thread would contain all reports and post event discussion.

Would it also be possible (if you were to do one thread, though it looks via votes that won't happen) to maybe modify the first post with links to beginning of each discussion? So instead of scrolling through all the hubbub of forecast/nowcast, you can go straight to the reports in that thread? This would prevent multiple threads for a single day... just a thought.

Count me in as Reports being separate and everything else in another thread. So 2 threads but it doesn't fit the option on there.

Would really like to see a Reports forum where you can only post an actual first hand report in the thread for each day.
I echo Ben's statement. I would like to see forecast / nowcasts in one thread an all reports in another.
I don't have much to add but I voted for two categories and agree with the sentiments here that the Reports should receive their own thread. Having it separate will facilitate moving and sharing content around over at the new forum, such as featured threads as an example.

Maybe the Event thread could contain the forecasts, nowcasts and discussion material, but I'm with Patrick Martin about what we used to call MISC. That was just too much noise for me and only fun for chatter that fits nowhere else. That could move to the Chatroom or just be axed altogether IMO. I think we'll need to be lenient on what members can talk about in the Event thread, but the Reports thread should be combed thoroughly for posts that do not belong. Thanks for asking Jeff.
I echo Ben's statement. I would like to see forecast / nowcasts in one thread an all reports in another.

What about all the post-event discussion that accompanies many chase events? I'm thinking of links to stories about events, comments on ratings or damage assessments, evaluation of chase strategy, discussion of why an event happened the way it did, etc.? I'm asking honestly, since your comment and Ben's didn't specify where those posts would go.

Thanks for all the input!
Jeff, I actually forgot about those. Sorry.

Before the forum changes a couple if years ago, did we have three threads per event? I liked that format and absolutely hated when it was changed.

I understand that it might be seen as 'clutter', but I like being able to view each topic without everything mixed together.

Thanks everyone for the hard work being put into the new Stormtrack.
I think we should have a FCST thread before the event. Then on the day of...we can change the title to NOW...then the day after and from then on it can be titled simply as DISC. That way we know what phase the thread is in. I hardly see threads go beyond 10 pages even the biggest days wouldn't be too hard to navigate. Maybe the new site can incorporate a local search within threads. That way if someone posts something you may want to come back through, we can search their name within the thread to see what all they posted inside that thread. I'd much rather have a cleaner looking site and do a little searching for what I need, then have clutter. Especially those days that aren't that big (cause let's face it, there only about 5-10 major days per year) probably don't require 3 or more seperate threads simply for discussion purposes.
What about all the post-event discussion that accompanies many chase events? I'm thinking of links to stories about events, comments on ratings or damage assessments, evaluation of chase strategy, discussion of why an event happened the way it did, etc.? I'm asking honestly, since your comment and Ben's didn't specify where those posts would go.

Thanks for all the input!

I think FCST/NOW/DISC can all be one thread. Less cluttering of the board. Of course, that will be annoying for the threat starter to type out each time. Maybe we can come up with a new category such as EVENT that will encompass all 3? Then we have the reports stay as is. Just a thought.
I'm voting for two threads, one for FCST/NOW and one for REPORTS. However, the MISC threads were valuable too in being more free-wheeling in real time, and for providing third-hand accounts and links. Is there a way to incorporate the spirit of the MISC threads without overly cluttering FCST/NOW?

On several occasions, mods gently informed me they were removing a post I'd made due to being inappropriate or unnecessary. I still think this is a good idea in real time, especially in active NOW situations.
Jeff, I would think either in the same FCST/NOW thread or start a third thread. My strong opinion is on reports threads as I think those are key. Not sure if the new forum software allows it, but a 'template' would almost be awesome. Instead of the typical 'post here' box, if we actually got kind of a form to fill out for our report and it allowed us to link youtube videos and upload or link photos, etc. It could theoretically be used in all sorts of ways outside of the forum then as well. Just a thought.
I like being able to visit one thread and have nothing but forecast/nowcast discussion, and I like being able to read all reports in one place, without having to sift through a dozen miscellaneous posts about media coverage, damage reports, or radar grabs, or comments and questions. QUOTE]

Echoing Skip here..I'm relatively new to ST but even that said, I like the idea of one place to go for FCST/NOW discussions, then a seperate one for REPORTS. I'm personally not a fan of the MISC type posts. They're OK, but to me that just add to much noise and clutter to what I want to see here. If I want to get media coverage, damage reports, radar grabs, etc., I'll check out the social media channels for that stuff.
I think the MISC posts should be done away with altogether because they just get cluttered in the mix. I agree with the thread for FCST/NOW discussion and another thread for the REPORT discussions.
Voted for a 2-Post per day system: REPORTS in one clean thread, and then FCST/NOW/MISC batch in another thread. I'd prefer that MISC discussion be permitted, since it provides opportunity for interaction that the site sorely needs. If it actually does wind up cluttering into FCST/NOW content, perhaps it could be prohibited until after the event so at least there's a chronological cutoff in that section.