FREE week long CHASE TOURS in 2006 possible

Feb 11, 2005
Hello Everyone!

I am posting an announcement that Peggy and I, "The Twister Sisters", will possibly be hosting a few free week long chase tours in Tornado Alley during the 2006 season at no cost to the guests. We will be the tour guides and you will ride in our chase vehicle equipped with all the latest technology. If you are interested in participating and coming along on a free storm chasing tour with us please write to us at [email protected] and send the following information:

1. Name, age, and where you are from (no specific address needed)
2. A one paragraph BIO about who you are, what you do, your personality, and what makes you an interesting person (we all have our own unique traits).
3. Why you want to come along on a week long storm chasing tour with us.
4. If you can provide a photograph of yourself as an e-mail attachment that would be great.

Please don't be shy! We are looking forward to hearing from anyone interested and anyone you may know who is interested. If you would like to bring your spouse please provide information about your significant other and if you are newlyweds or have been married for awhile.

If you want more information about us and/or what we have done please visit us at:
or send questions to us at:
[email protected]

Thank you so much!
Melanie Metz and Peggy Willenberg
"The Twister Sisters"
Just people like:

I think! (Sorry Nick, I couldn't resist :lol: )
Hell yeah, I'd be interested. However, I don't think I will be back from the war in time. If there is a trip in June though, I might think about it.
I'd go on one if I could drink in the van, though I know I couldn't sit around and let someone else make chase decisions for me. I'm still curious as to why this is being guess is they landed a sponser who wants their name on the truck all Spring. Offering a free tour would be a great marketing gimmick for maximum exposure. That's great business sense.

I think this would be a fun "vacation" after three months' hard chasing of my own, though, as I said before, there's no way I could sit idle and let other people make strategic decisions for me around a storm
Hi Shane

I agree with your post. However, my guess was that perhaps there was a documentary with tourists being interviewed similar to one done a few years ago. The bio's can either be for seeking that or ensuring they know who is joining:)


Jimmy Deguara
I think that is a cool idea. I am sure there are many weather enthusiasts out there who cannot afford a typical chase tour.

I would love to go but I think I've been chasing so long, it would be hard to give up my independance. Still, there are times when I'm stressed, sitting in the middle of nowhere trying to decide which direction to go, that I think it would be nice to sit back and let someone else do the driving and decision making while I just enjoy the beauty of nature.

I wish them good luck in finding some participants.

Bill Hark
David, hope you get outta there in time to go on a tour. I would be seriously considering this except for one small problem...I will be living in South Korea next year....oh well.

*EDIT* David Draun should be instantly approved, IMHO. He more than deserves it.
That's quite an offer. As much interest as there is and considering current gas prices, I'm sure there are many people who would jump at this chance.

What will be the maximum number of people you would have room for on this tour?

BTW, I'd suggest David Draun (who replied earlier) as a good candidate if a time can be worked out. I can think of no one who would be more deserving of a free chase vacation than one our troops just returning from a tour of duty in the Sandbox.
BTW, I'd suggest David Draun (who replied earlier) as a good candidate if a time can be worked out. I can think of no one who would be more deserving of a free chase vacation than one our troops just returning from a tour of duty in the Sandbox.

I second that one George. Not only has he earned it by serving his country (Thanks) but he of all of us probably has the worst case od SDS and needs immediate relief!!

if they wont take him then we all need to get together and make sure we get him out in the field before he is commited to the SDS asylum. :wink:
I think this is a great idea although I would like to know why this is being done. Seems a little odd to offer something for free without knowing why. The picture requirement is also weird. Could it be they are only looking for specific people?
