Forecast for Isolated tornadoes HERE?

May 7, 2005
South Carolina
WOW, maybe I should stay tuned for this, huh? I live in the northwest tip of South Carolina, and the local weather people here saying that this tropical system could bring us a LOT of bad weather. Bad to THEM! lol Last year, we had several tubes drop down from tropical systems, including one fatality, which was bad though. AND...we had a tornado just 35 miles from my house on Saturday, an F-0, or F-1. Still unusual though. And before the moderators e-mail me to say that this thread should be over on the forecast page - I'm not allowed in to post over there yet, despite asking to over 6 weeks ago. Anyway, stay tuned for some severe weather this weekend. Who knows?
Well, i guess they knew what they were talking about. We had tornado warnings this morning at 3:15, for Anderson county - just 18 minutes from the house. We got 4.79 inches of rain in 6 hours. Can't wait for Dennis to get here! Actually, Dennis COULD be a real monster for tubes when it gets here. Kinda reminds us of last September. As far as I know so far, this tornado this morning did very little damaga, and was probably an F-0, or maybe at best, an F-1.