Most media outlets "think" chasers will let footage go for nothing.
Trust me, on the market, good footage, especially from this year, will go for about $90.00 per second for actual footage of a tornado. If you have something really graphic, like you being chased by a twister or you have the only tornado footage from a major event, then charge a flat fee of $1,500 to $2,500+. Do not undersell yourself. And... don't fall for the old media trick of letting them con you into selling it cheaper "because" you will be on TV or get a credit--- or when they say "Everyone else is paying this price." This is BS, they called my office two weeks ago and offered a substantial fee for footage a tornado next to my chase unit.
Charge a min. of 5 to 10 seconds. Be firm. Selling footage for cheaper prices just devalues the market.
Make sure to carefully read the agreement. Never license footage for any use BUT THE SPECIFIC PROGRAM LISTED ON THE RELEASE. Some media outlets try to wrangle a hidden term making it able for them to use it forever, for whatever they want. Make sure they are responsible for securing your footage by not transmitting it as raw footage via satellite or computer. NEVER SELL AS EXCLUSIVE!!!!! This will really hurt you in the long run -- and possibly put you in a legal bind. If they want an exclusive, charge a lot more, triple the normal rates and make sure the exclusive has a shot time limit to cover the first airing of the show only.
As others have said, get their Fed-X shipping number and charge for sample reels -- $50.00 to $100.00 is normal.
NEVER send original tapes or discs. Send a digital copy.
Most importantly.... COPYRIGHT THE FOOTAGE!