Andrew Khan
Originally posted by Dave Kaplow
Why couldn't this be a single U-shaped vortex hanging beneath the cloudbase? The middle part between the funnels is the lowest, so maybe they're connected from the beginning but at first there's no condensation in the lower middle portion of the vortex. As the vortex intensifies, the condensation fills in, and the funnels appear to join up. Not suggesting this is necessarily what's going on, but it seems one possibility.
Alternatively, if you have 2 funnels hanging next to each other, and one is cyclonic and the other is anticyclonic, wouldn't the natural tendency be for the funnels to merge at their ends? I don't know enough about vortex dynamics to know if this is true or not, but I have a vague memory of reading somewhere precisely this explanation for the merging funnels.
This theory sounds pretty good, and quite logical. I should have thought of something like this before...I mean it would make since, that they WERE connected to begin with, but just haden't rendered a condensation apprearance yet. Why do I here poeple saying 'Classic' video footage? Was this like a video out or something?