Colorado Chaser Convention: You going?

  • Thread starter Mike Hollingshead
  • Start date
I agree that it would be nice to have an 'icebreaker'-like format on Saturday also. Maybe the video showing on Saturday could be set up like last year's icebreaker, as Jay said. That way you could still keep the informal social aspect and keep an eye on the video screen when you wanted to.
im 99% sure that im going. i went in 2004. missed the 2005 one(regret it big time!). so i definitely want to attend this years conference.

I also really like tim's idea about car pooling. I was planning on driving from the chicago land area...possibly with one other person. I think i could possibly fit 1 or 2 others in the car. If any one is interested, let me know and we will figure something out!
For those of you who have never gone. It's totally worth it! Especially finnally meeting some people to whom i have only herd about up until that point. They have all kinds of really cool merchandice for sale (especially the videos and t shirts!! And not to mention, its in Colorado!
Originally posted by Amos Magliocco
I was never a fan of traditional chaser video parties anyway, at least not the way they worked for many years. You sat there for eight or ten hours watching video after video, and invariably someone failed to grasp the term \"edited\" and everybody was forced to endure lengthy clips of chasers driving through the rain. What a beating! Listen, I don't like to watch *myself* drive through rain in REAL LIFE. I sure don't care to watch others do it on video. Trimming the video session to a few hours and making sure nobody has more than fifteen minutes is the only way to avoid a marathon torture fest.
This is exactly the reason why I volunteered to take over the video shows at the AMS Severe Local Storms (SLS) Conferences and completely changed the format. My first gig was the 2000 conference in Orlando. Chasers were allowed to submit up to 10 minutes of their best video from the 1999 and 2000 seasons (of course, 3 May 1999 dominated that session). Two nights of programming at two hours each was devoted to video and slides, with slide shows taking up 30-40 minutes of one night, and video the rest. An overabundance of submissions forced us to trim some of the submissions to the best stuff. R. J. Evans and I co-produced the show, and re-edited the submissions onto master SVHS tapes. No more rewinding, cueing, nor sitting through boring video was had (like in past conferences).

I took a break for the 2002 conference in San Antonio, but then for the SLS conference in 2004 in Hyannis - those of you who attended, or who have watched the Storms of 2004 DVD know the rest of the story. Jim LaDue and I took the idea one step further, and instead organized the videos into "stories of the storms", with multiple submissions on each, guest producers, and musical scores. We burned the master onto a 2 hour DVD. It was only after the conference that interest was generated to package the DVD for sale as a fundraiser for charity. And then the Storms of 2005 DVD was born...


p.s. Jim and I are already tentatively slated to produce the "Storms of 2006" for the St. Louis SLS conference. Details soon...
Originally posted by Greg Stumpf

p.s. Jim and I are already tentatively slated to produce the \"Storms of 2006\" for the St. Louis SLS conference. Details soon...


I'm certainly willing to give you all my footage of the incredible May 2006 tornadoes... Included in that will be the 150-mile long F1 monster from late April 2006. :lol: {yes, I hope a 150-mile long tornado would only be an F1, though, admittedly, the chances of this are pretty slim)...
Originally posted by Jeff Snyder+--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Jeff Snyder)</div>
<!--QuoteBegin-Greg Stumpf

p.s. Jim and I are already tentatively slated to produce the \"Storms of 2006\" for the St. Louis SLS conference. Details soon...


I'm certainly willing to give you all my footage of the incredible May 2006 tornadoes... Included in that will be the 150-mile long F1 monster from late April 2006. :lol: {yes, I hope a 150-mile long tornado would only be an F1, though, admittedly, the chances of this are pretty slim)...[/b]

Wedge? Hose? Stovepipe? Tornado? Mine! (in best Finding Nemo seagull imitation)

Greg jinxed 06. We can thank him when it is snowing again in May. ;)
I went to the convention in 2004 and really enjoyed it and learned a lot.
I plan on going to the 2006 convention as it sounds like it just gets better and better! I plan on driving to the convention this year and just hope the weather cooperates (no snow!!).
I'm planning on going...I'm really looking forward to it. I fall into the complete newbie category, but I'm hoping to learn, even if I can't bring anything to the table as of yet, lol. Can't wait to meet y'all!
I'm In

Good day,

Yup ... Just booked airfare and registered so I guess that makes me 99% in (the other 1% would be any other thing like me getting sick or something like that) ;-)

Just enjoy the speakers and most of all the crowd of cool chasers there.

Being a hurricane chaser (in addition to a storm chaser ofcourse), I also like to bring that to the plains chaser arena as well.

Hope to see many of you out there,

Chris C - KG4PJN
i know i dont post much here, but this is really important. i am looking for someone to car pool with to the convention in denver in feb. i will be leaving wed the 15th and returning wed the 22. i live in geneva il which is about 30 miles due west of chicago. if anyone has any questions, please let me know!


I had originally planned to come but am having trouble finding airfare from that I can afford. I have to fly from Boston to Denver, then to Chicago on Sunday since I have to be in Chicago all week for business. Airfare from Boston to and from Chicago is covered by the client but.... Does anyone know of cheap flights to and from Chicago or is anyone driving so that I could be fly into Chicago, drive to Denver with you and drive back to be in Chicago Sunday night?

Ok , you guys heard of Field Of Dreams right"? well im so shocked and awwed that i heard these voices telling me to Go The Distance and I Will Learn :lol: so IM GOING to my first ever national chaser convention, and this will be my first time to CO , a long long long drive for me, i expect ill need about 600$ in all to cover everything, 79$ per night at the hotel isnt bad figuring fuel costs and hotel/food , and thankfully the convention center is right there" so I wont have to worry about driving around in a city where im UNTRAINED in driving skills , i mean some people are crazy drivers! its bad enough already everywhere lol

So im there for the whole thing, hope everyone has a safe ride there , and i hope the weather cooperates.
